Sunday, September 20, 2009

Random Thoughts of a Week

Has it really been a week since my last post? Where does time go/fly?

Great day today, although the weather folks told me it was "mostly cloudy" with "showers" all day. Still sure looks pretty clear and blue and sunny, even now! And they can tell me all about "global warming...."

I think the newspaper editors and/or editorial writers are getting weaker. Even though I rarely agree with the Free Press's editorials, I respect Ron Dzonkowski. I don't like his ideas, but he is reasoned and insightful. We just have different ideas and philosophies. The News has been slipping the past few months. And the Oak Press? I don't see much reason or intelligence in much that shows up there, not much at all. At least when H. Munro was there, the paper had some ideas worth considering. Now? Well, I read the editorials there every once in a while to see if they are as lousy as they have been.

Reading through the op-ed pieces the past week.... I was surprised to see one Dem shill write how brilliant BO's talk to Congress was. Hmmmm. This guy must have some pretty low standards. Another, well, even worse than a shill, was trying to defend the Von...., the eco-czar who resigned last weekend. The writer admitted Von admitted to being "a communist," to signing a petition that Sep 11 was a conspiracy of the US gov't, etc. But these were "minor miscues, mistakes" (I forgot the word he used). Right. I suppose ACORN's CEO keeping quiet over the scandals of his group were just little things, too.

And how about that NH judge who ordered a mother to send her kid to public school rather than home school, because of the mother's "extreme religious" beliefs? He wants this kids to learn about the rest of the world, you know, the "good guys" like the Islamists, Taliban, Hugo Chavez, the commies, etc. Who is this guy? Where are those New Hamsters who supposedly display their license plates, "Live Free or Die, with pride? They ought to "just say no!" Tell that judge what A. Jackson said in 1830, "Judge Marshall has made his decision. Now let's see him enforce it." (Not that I agree with AJ on this one, just the sentiment of overreaching elitist judges.) Yep, the good folks of NH should take this opportunity to retake control of their state--or stop lying on their license plates. Here we have again, the arrogant "anointed" doing what they know is best for us. Of course, they know what is better for us than we do. (Hey, then how did we get in this mess? Must be the greedy businessmen; yep, that's it.) Most of all, what this mother does with her kid, outside of abuse, is none of this judge's business.

We are certainly living in "a world turned upside down."

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