Monday, October 19, 2009

Free Press

Three runners died in the Free Press Half, not Full, Marathon. Two fell at just about the same place. One may have died from hitting his head on the pavement after falling. But, that is speculation awaiting autopsy results.

The naysayers have already started, the "dangers" of running, etc. One national blog has already encouraged comments with "Have Marathons Become More Dangerous?"

Of course they have. First, more people are running them. That inevitably increases the odds of people with health problems, hidden and otherwise, participating. Second, more people are running them without training properly. Some run them for charities (and I'm not at all criticizing that). Some run them because it's trendy. Some do not recognized the need for proper training. In a way, I suspect, the question is why more people don't have problems or die.

It's a long way to run, a real long way. The body is taxed, likely in ways it was not meant to be taxed. Certainly that's the case for most late 20th and early 21st Century bodies. The schools, in their typically Neanderthal reasoning, have increasingly ignored the importance of physical education. To wit, what is one of the first things to get the ziggy in the budget crunches? Activities for the youth of today more often include the boob tube, video games, etc., not out running through the neighborhood. Have you noticed the impromptu football, basketball, baseball, street hockey, etc. games in your neighborhood? I haven't either. Instead of having their kids mow the lawn, shovel the walks, etc., parents now have tractors and snow blowers (with their infernal noise!) or hire out the work to landscape contractors. And I'm as guilty as the next in not really watching what I eat. To me, a Double Stack at Wendy's is a needed treat once a week or so. How about that bowl of Oreos covered with milk? Raw cookie dough anyone?

Running and other more strenuous exercises aren't just for physical health. There are multitudes of reasons for them. (Check my recent online articles and blog.) There are mental aspects, social reasons, love of the outdoors, the quiet and solitude, the physical challenges and the competition (as distinct from the physical health aspects), and more. And, remember, the overwhelming evidence is that, despite the tragic episodes like yesterday, exercise like running is very, very beneficial. It helps not only the longevity of life, but its quality.

So, before we jump to any conclusions, let's wait for the autopsies. Condolences for the families, who must have been doubly shocked by the ironic circumstances of deaths during such healthy endeavors.

1 comment:

guslaruffa said...

I'll bet it was too much water and it washed all of the electolites right out of their systems.
The older guy had some health issues. We shall see.