Monday, October 12, 2009

Thoughts on an NFL Afternoon

Bopper had a chance to play at halftime of the Lions' game at Ford Field. It was in front of the "announced" sellout. His team, and the other, each had 8 plays to run, but I think the number was actually 14. Kids kept getting shuttled in and out so all could play about the same number of plays. He made a tackle for a loss! I don't know if he liked playing or the "tailgate" more? And he enjoyed the game because he is a Steelers' fan--or so he says. He was excited and that was nice.

Driving down the Lodge, I set the cruise at 70 the whole way from about 9 Mile to Bagley. I know, I know, the speed limit is 55, but that is the point. I passed, that whole way, five cars, one of which kept leap-frogging with me. This doesn't include the cars on the entrance ramps. The number who passed me? Had to be a couple hundred, if not more. Hmmmm.

The Old Michigan Theater bldg, now a parking structure of three stories, was the venue for the tailgate. Most of the parking spots were occupied. The kids enjoyed it. I was surprised at how many were interested in the "history" of the theater and the surrounding area. I started telling Bopper about the theater, pointing out the stage/screen area, the balcony that remained, the projection booth, loges, etc. He noticed the deco decor. He didn't run away from the "history lecture." Instead, over came another kid, then another, finally about half a dozen or so. Someone asked me what I was saying to them. That was pretty cool, too, that they were interested in the past, asking questions, while looking at the former theater. In a way, it was a shame, though, to think of the great past Detroit had while looking at the present.

I had never been to Ford Field, likely won't return except perhaps for something like this. It was a nice enough stadium. Prices were, of course, outrageous. I suppose our legislators never thought about the gouging when they gave tax money to pay for it. Nope, bet they never did. We were about a dozen rows from the very top. But, as my sister-in-law said, "Hey, you only paid $55 a ticket!" How silly of me. I know it was a "sellout," but from my visual calculations, there were about 5- to 7,000 not in attendance, that is, empty seats. I think a conservative estimate would put the Steelers'-Lions' fans at 50-50. I guess that's pretty pathetic. Some Steelers' fans behind us said they were the reason the Bengals' game a couple weeks ago was also a "sellout."

$55 a ticket? OK, I didn't mind paying for Karen's and mine. But the Lions made the kids and the coaches also buy tickets. In fact, I think they required a package of 200 tix to be sold in order for the kids to play. The cheap b*#@*#@! I don't mind profits, but this irks me. Too bad for the players, because I know they work pretty hard and played pretty hard yesterday, but I hope they lose all of their games. They can make all the money they can, but, except for special things like yesterday, they won't get mine--unless the legislators give away more of our money.

I wonder about those people who get all dressed up, not "dressed up" like in nice clothes, but faces painted, masks, etc. I think it's a bit silly to have those high-priced Lion (and Steeler) jerseys, but that's a personal thing, I guess. But adults painting their faces, wearing Lion costumes, with masks and helmets, etc.? I wonder how they are received at work this AM????

Also, for a while I thought I walked into a commercial and a football game broke out. It took forever to play the game. During the interminable breaks, players just mingled on the field, waiting. How many of them are those? Again, it must be the money and, again, they can do what they want, but I don't have to watch. The absurd happened when a Steeler dropped a pass and then, in frustration, kicked the ball. The official threw a flag for, get this, "DELAY OF GAME!" I roared--after all those time-out breaks and this guy gets a flag for another 5 seconds of delay. Also, do people really have that short of an attention span? Or what other reason is there for all the silly music being played? the big screen? How about singing the fight song after a score that puts you down 28-13?

I think the NFL is going to continue doing without me. And I'm sure that won't change things a bit.

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