Friday, October 9, 2009


I guess we see where morality lies in professional sports and entertainment--yet again. And, apparently, most people go right along with all of this immorality.

The Tigers had an opportunity to send an important message to the rest of the country last weekend, but opted not to do so. Instead of suspending a player who should have been suspended for his conduct, esp in the heat of a pennant race, the Tigers played him in hopes of winning.

They didn't and perhaps poetic justice was served.

I would say shame on the Tigers' management, but I realize there is no such thing as shame out there.

Note this late night TV character. Now, I just heard this on the radio. I don't watch his show because I don't find him at all funny. So.... He has an affair, under circumstances that might well be akin to harassment (but not all parties have spoken up yet)--what is it called nowadays, according to the feminists, when a person in a subordinate position has sex with one with authority over that person? Hmmmm. Where is the feminist outcry? Ah, more hypocrisy, a la Bill Clinton, Jesse Jackson, et al. So, this guy makes some apology on air (boy, that'll boost ratings!) and, when he comes on stage the next time, he gets a standing ovation from the crowd. It would certainly serve everyone in that crowd just right if they came home one day to find their spouses had been having affairs. I really bet they'd have an ovation for that, too. Then, the late night character makes jokes about it in his monologue, with the crowd, the Neanderthals, laughing. I bet they'd really laugh if they discovered their own spouses having affairs! It's hilarious! Again, maybe they should feel the pain before they react so ignorantly. And, where are the cries from women for advertisers to boycott his show? Of course I know where they are. He wasn't sorry he had the affair(s)--or else he would have been the first to acknowledge it (them), right? He was sorry he was caught!

Yet more signs that the Apocalypse is nearly upon us!

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