Friday, October 8, 2010

Dirty Tricks

Weren't "dirty tricks" some of the things that brought down Richard Nixon and the Republicans about 35 years ago? Remember the one where people in Fla were awakened at 3 AM by phone calls? "Hello, we're calling from the Dem Party and we're wondering if you're going to vote in the upcoming election. We urge you to vote for the Democratic candidates...." The only problem, other than ticking off people with the 3 AM phone call, was that it was the Reps, identifying themselves are Dems, making the calls. Funny, but a dirty trick.

How different, other than less serious, were those phone calls from the Dems faking "Tea Party" candidates, getting them on the ballots? They aren't real tea partiers, but really Dems. The purpose is to steal votes from Reps. Isn't that some sort of fraud, you know, complete with jail time?

We've had that here in Oak Co and now it's taking place in other states. Funny how the law applies to some people, but not others. Funny how the LameStream media jumped all over the Nixonites (rightfully so), even winning Pulitzers, but remains mostly silent on the fake tea partiers. No, it's not funny at all. They are earning the name, "LameStream Media."

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