Saturday, October 30, 2010

I have returned....

OK, so that's not original, but I have!

Just finished two articles, beating tomorrow's deadline for each! Hooray! I enjoyed doing both. I thought, as I wrote the third of three "feel-good" columns this week, that some might think I'm always so rosy. Well, when I do most of my writing (not necessarily blogging or sending out e-mails) I am. Why, for instance, would I want to grouse about, say, running, a runner, or the running community? There's too much out there to be negative about; running doesn't need to be. Others, if they wish, can cover the negativity there.

Besides, runners are great to talk to and write about. I always feel better after talking to them and writing about them. With all the junk going on in the rest of the realm, that's a good escape.

I read a very, very good book this week. Once a Runner is one of my favorites. I wondered when John Parker was, if ever, going to write another novel. After all, Once a Runner was published in '78 I think. Well, Again to Carthage is out in paperback and it is terrific. I really enjoyed it.

I think I have all my writing done for a couple of weeks now. I have one race to cover on Nov 14 and my Dec column to write (I already have the topic/subject and have notified the guy I need to interview). Whew.... That October was quite a month, with about half a dozen reviews, two or three columns, a couple of race stories. Carrie F. said, "You write too much." Yep, but I like it.

I broached the subject of a history dept journal, where instructors could write about history. They could take episodes that interest them, write book reviews, tell about teaching techniques, etc. This didn't work so hot at OCC, where just a handful of people contributed and one guy did most of the work. I know it is a lot of that. Maybe I'll ask if I can start one.... I'll think about it.

OK, now out for more fun, to grade some papers.

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