Monday, October 4, 2010

Sore and Tired, but Feeling All Right

I'm still a bit sore and tired today, go figure. Yesterday I was more of both. Of course that was due to running the Brooksie Way Half Marathon. It was a good race, rapidly becoming one of my very favorites, a "must" race for my annual calenday, much like the Crim.

I was a bit disappointed with my time and place, but not much. I was about 3 minutes slower and 4 places lower than last year. I guess I can attribute that to getting a bit older--all of my times at the same races are a bit slower, except one. I guess I can accept that--getting older! But I think my training was not what it should have been. I didn't really have a training plan, not like usual. Oh, I ran, but, due to circumstances, not like I wanted. I didn't have in the long runs I usually get. I didn't run as many hills as I normally do. I did more biking, but that isn't the same thing. But, no regrets. I did what I did because I made choices. They were my choices and I enjoyed what I chose. Huh????

What I liked about my effort was that, although I never really got in the groove/zone (and really haven't in any races this year), I never really felt bad. It was a workmanlike performance, which is just fine. And, I noted, I ran the second half almost two minutes faster than the first half. That is odd, not just because of the fatigue factor, but the second half is loaded with long, grinding hills. Yep, I'm pleased.

I did get out for an easy run today and, in fact, the state park's trails/woods were so pleasant I ran longer than planned. I rode the bike, pretty easy, too, to work out the soreness. But, taking Ashley to "a park," I did beg out of going down the slide a couple of times. I went down some, but not as often as usual. And Bopper didn't want to bike after school, which was fine with me--I didn't push it like I usually do.

More rants tomorrow or Wed....

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