Friday, November 26, 2010


OK, I know, having been one once myself, that youths are sometimes a bit, well, weird. But what's with this bumpersticker some kid in the neighborhood has on his car? It reads, "Kill Yo Self." What???? That's just a bit, well weird, isn't it?

I'm curious to see if there will be any letters-to-the-editor or any comments about "greed" concerning the Tigers giving $50 million dollars, over four years, to one player. Actually, I'll be surprised if there are any, not if there aren't.

Who ever told people like Mick Jagger and Bruce Springstein they could sing? If they did, they lied to the two men. Now, I enjoy hearing some (certainly not all) of their songs and even have bought some of them. OK, I like them, some of them. But they can't sing, not at all. Their voices are hardly melodic. It leads me to wonder if some other guy, just Joe Blow, had sung the same songs, would they be equally successful? After all, they couldn't sing any worse, coud they? I then think of the Supremes. It was held that Mary Wilson, even Florence Ballard, had a better voice(s) than Diana Ross. But, Berry Gordy knew what he was doing in giving Ross the lead of the group. I guess there's more to it than "better." Still, listen, as I did out shopping today, to Springstein sing "Sanat Claus Is Comin' to Town." Can you make the whole song without turning it off or putting your hands on your ears?

"Kill Yo Self?" What kind of bumpersticker is tha????

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