One of the lessons of history is the truth is not necessarily "somewhere in the middle," but where we find it. For instance, for decades apologists for Stalin held that "only" about 1 million Ukrainians were killed by Stalin in '33-'34. Anti-Stalinists (no, don't ask how anyone could not be "anti-Stalin" because I have no idea) claimed the number was closer to 3or 4 million. So, traditional historians said the number was "somewhere in the middle," about 2 million or so deliberately starved to death, shot, etc., by the monster Stalin. Well, later research revealed that the number was somewhere in excess of 10 million dead! The truth is where we find it.
So, who and what is greedy? Here we go again.... Of course, Wall Street, Big Oil, The Bankers, all CEOs, etc. are greedy, almost by definition. OK, what about these folks? I saw numerous SUVs and other vehicles flying past me on the expressway today. I had the cruise set at 71-71 mph. Many had to be going at least 80. So, how greedy are they? They, with no regard for the cost to others, in terms of real money, help to nations that aid and abet terrorism, etc., drive along getting less than 20 mpg. And, again with no regard for others, they jeopardize others' lives. It can't be disputed that "speed kills." So, what is so important in their lives that they can drive in such greedy manners?
OK, what about runners? At a race this AM, many slower runners lined up at the front, forcing much faster runners (not necessarily me!) to run around them. Many of the slower runners were already walking, tired out, by mile one in a 10K race. And, from what I could tell, most of them had those ear buds, unable to hear or even consider others around them. I suppose, once upon a time, one might argue that the slower runners had a right to be up front so they could get their fastest times, too. Not now, not with timing chips. In fact, their times wouldn't be at all affected by lining up in a more considerate position. But the faster runners are again hosed since they must negotiate in and around and through the globs of slower ones. And, to lock oneself in his/her own little world with head sets on in a race? Nah, none of that is greedy, all about me!
That leads me to what I was initially going to post. The recent tragic spate of teen-age suicides can be linked to greed or, at least, self-centeredness. And, of course, young people today are taught to be greedy, self-centered by the schools who focus on self-esteem, self-concept. How many students are taught that their opinions can't be wrong, that they are as valid, legitimate as any others' opinions? What hogwash! Any teacher who teaches that, who stresses that should be fired immediately or, at the very least, put through a reindoctrination program! No, not every opinion is valid. Yes, students' opinions can be wrong. Now this is America and people, even students, have a right to their own opinions. But having a right to an opinion doesn't validate that opinion. One who thinks it should be "St. Adolf Hitler" is wrong!!!!! So, with students being taught this self-concept, self-image, nothing they think is wrong, why wouldn't they put themselves in positions of thinking they can write, say, do anything they want? Why wouldn't they think they could bully someone else? And, not to blame those who commit suicide, but what about that self-image, self-centeredness, etc. stuff on them? No doubt I am all wet on this, but I there is a distinct correlation in the past few decades between student suicides and this whole "God didn't make any junk," self-concept, self-image junk.
Out to read....
Sunday, November 14, 2010
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