Monday, November 1, 2010

Election Eve

I'm nervous about the results of tomorrow's election. I think it could be a watershed election, even though voters are not selecting a President. It will indicate which direction the US will go--maybe. I've blogged and had op-eds about the "message" aspect of this election. If the so-called "right" people are elected, but don't get the message.... Will, then, 2012 be too late?

Again, I don't understand how people can vote for some candidates? Do they just blindly believe what their unions tell them? Are they getting freebies from the gov't and "credit" these candidates for them? Do they really believe these candidates should be representing us, I mean really? Have they no sense of pride, after having some of these candidates pretty much call us "stupid?"

I was thinking about "greed" again the other day. I heard again from a guy about the "greedy" oil companies, Wall Street, the banks, etc. Yep, I suppose they are greedy. But what about those gas station owners who charge 9 or 10 cents more a gallon for credit purchase than for cash? I understand that credit might, might, cost them more, hence the higher price. But, first, why are some station owners' costs covered with 3 or 4 cents more while others crank it up to 9 or 10 or more per gallon? Second, isn't the extra charge for credit purchases on the individual purchase, not on the gallons? So, a credit purchase on a fill-up costs $1.50 or more for paperwork? Baloney!!!! Third, when at all possible, I don't stop at those stations that have higher credit than cash prices. I'd imagine I'm not the only one who does that. They, then, are losing my business. I even will go out of my way, not far, but some, to avoid the credit stations. And, what about the greed of those who say "I'm retired; I don't care any more?" Don't they care about the futures of their own kids and grandkids? They just care about themselves? Isn't that greedy? What about those who bemoan the state of who they call "the unfortunate" in this country, yet drive around in SUVs, take several extended vacations, have several thousand dollar houses, etc., instead of living far more modestly and giving the money they don't spend on themselves to "the unfortunate?" Isn't that greedy (and hypocritical)? I don't begrudge them their vehicles, trips, homes, etc. It's the self-righteousness and hypocrisy that get me.

I guess I don't believe in "karma," but it's good that MSU got smashed the other day in Iowa. Reinstating that player was wrong, sent the wrong message.... It's just what the university needs, what with the rest of the country seeing Detroit and Michigan as they do. Now, how do they view MSU? It's win at all costs. Likely most people believe that for their own schools and teams, but not for others (just a little more hypocrisy). But, in the player's defense, if it's true he blew the minimum on the breathalyzer.... Well, I think the law is far too strict. I'm not at all in favor of drunk driving, but one glass of wine or two beers in a couple hours? C'mon.... The legislators, once again, fell victim to lobbyists with sob stories to tell. Again, I'm not in favor of drunk driving, have had family members victimized by drunk driving, etc. But to throw on a person the penalties and related costs of having two beers or a glass of wine in two hours is ridiculous. Now, that is especially so when we haven't done as much for talking on cell phones or texting while driving. Cell phone usage, statistically, is just as dangerous as drunk driving and texting, according to some studies, is 20 times more dangerous. Again, people not thinking....

What a game it must have been to watch! Amherst beat Tufts last Sat, 10-7....that is, 10 touchdowns to 7 touchdowns. Yep, 70-49, the Lord Jeffs over the Jumbos. BTW, what great nicknames, too! Two tough games in a row coming up, the Bantams of Trinity and the Purple Cows of Williams.

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