Friday, October 28, 2011


I was watching C-Span (don't tell anyone!) and the President's press secretary was holding a q-and-a session. I got in on a question about the President taking a $500,000 donation from somebody and then getting rewarded with gov't largesse. The press secretary was great, "This President has had the most transparent and open administration of any President. No other President has been as forthcoming as this one. We can only hope later Presidents will match that." The questioner had a look of disbelief on his face when he asked the same question in another way, since he got a non-answer. The press secretary contined, "This President has had the most transparent and open administartion of any President. No other President...." A third time this happened and the reporter gave up and another one was picked for a question. It was something the press secretary knew nothing about and admitted it--and that's fine. Then a woman asked a similar question to the first and the press secretary replied, "This President has had the most transparent and open administration of any President. No other President...." I don't know if I laughed harder or got angrier. Is this guy delusional?????? How can he stand up there and say that? Let's not even start with birth certificates and college records (no, I'm not a birther or conspiracy guy). And let's ignore "The Chicago Way." But we can begin with the Czars. How about tossing in waivers to certain favored groups with ObamaCare. Yep, those have all been right out there in the open, with the press secretaries making those announcements. Oh, they haven't????? How about the tax cheats in the Cabinet and other administrative positions? Can we include the President's behind-the-scenes efforts to have important votes in Congress take place late Sat evenings and Chris Eve? How about the executive orders dealing with illegal immigrants? Or the White House directives not to pursue legal actions against, say, Black Panthers who intimidate voters in Philadelphia? Need I go on?

I know history isn't important, but it shows that who yells first and the loudest gets to write the history, whether it's accurate or not. How many examples of that do you need, yep, even in American History? Hitler and Goebbels knew that; the pursued "the Big Lie Theory." Tell a lie big enough, loud enough, and often enough and it becomes the "truth." Is that what's going on here?

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