Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I continue to be surprised (but not surprised) at the lack of quality on talk radio. I'm not talking about ideas, whether I favor or oppose. It's the very poor English (and I get a laugh that some of the worst are the "English-only" folks!) and poor communication skills. They really don't explain things very well. Yet, these are the guys who, somehow, have the programs and, often, are the ones bringing down the big bucks. Go figure.....

That said, on the drive to class on Tue and Th AM, I sometimes tune in to CKLW. If Beckmann is talking about American Idol, I don't want to listen to sports with Shep, and Beck is more insufferable than usual, I switch to CKLW and Lynn Martin (I think that's her name). She doesn't always have interesting topics, but mostly she does. And she asks good questions. Mostly, though, I am impressed at how hard she works. She seems to really work at making her show/program a good one. More often than not I am glad I flip on 800 on my radio dial.

OK, tell me again how the Wall Street Protesters are different (superior?) to the Tea Partiers? Is it that they don't have jobs? That their ideas of more gov't are better than less gov't? (If so, they are very ignorant of history, both far in the past and more recently--that gov't policies helped lead to the current state of Wall St affairs. Why, according to eye-witness accounts, are the Wall St Protesters allowed to openly use drugs, engage in sex, hurl profanities, etc.? An even bigger "why" is why this isn't reported in the newspaper. How do the WSP get a "free pass?" Is drug use, open and public sex, profanity, etc., now within the realm of the acceptable? Why do I think that, had the Tea Parties engaged in this type of behavior, the LameStreams would have made it headlines? Like I rarely admit to being a teacher, I think I'd likewise not admit to being a journalist.

And why does Obama rant on certain wealthy people (you know, the airplane and big boat owners), but he never, never, never cites professional athletes, Hollywoood-types, and their ilk for being greedy, for not paying their "fair share," etc.? Is it really that hard to figure out why? No, not really.

Are the Republican bigwigs goint to foist Romney on us? I tried to like him; I really did. But his track record shows his true colors--a Democrat in Republican clothing, like most of the Republicans of the past 30+ years.


1 comment:

guslaruffa said...

Yes, I agree, Canadian talk radio is much more interesting and intelligent. You don't have the 'walking over' the next person when they discuss a subject. I listen to NPR once in awhile. But so much time is dedicated to the Middle East, India, Pakastan and Afganastan, that I am sick of the stories. This world wastes far too much of their resources on an area that could be flushed down the toilet as far as I am concerned. We spend money and waste lives in pointless wars. Let these areas implode on themselves, let them figure out how to stem corruption and create freedom.
As far as sports talk radio, I can only imagine that anyone who calls or listens to any of the local shows sits in a closet with the phone in the left hand and the right hand is used in another form of self indulgence.
What a waste of time. Listen and tell me if anything you have heard on any sports station is new or insightful?