Sunday, October 9, 2011


What is this "right to work" crap? Who, other than employers of large numbers of workers, can seriously support this?

First, how about if we have a "right to eat" state? Yep, "right to eat." I can go to the grocery store and buy the food I want/need, just like everyone else. Then, I decide I want the benefits of shopping at the store (the food and other stuff), but I don't want to pay for it. You know, like workers in a factory, school, or even a whole state who get the benefits unions have brought, but don't want to pay for them.

Second, from the gov't's own statistics, six of the ten states with the highest unemployment rates are "right to work" ones. Hmmm.... What does that do to the argument of those in favor of right to work who claim union membership costs jobs? Oh, I forgot...never let facts get in the way.... And, the average income in a union state is $6000 more annually than in a right to work state.

Third, c'mon...think about it. Who would really be behind the right to work movement? Isn't it really pretty obvious? It certainly shouldn't be workers--not when union membership doesn't lead to greater unemployment and that it does lead to more pay. Hmmm...gee, I wonder who wants right to work and what politicians have urged it? What's the adage? "Follow the money." Yep, follow the campaign money and you'll see a pretty clear picture.

Fourth, what other Bill of Rights guarantees can state legislatures throw out? How about freedom of religion or freedom of speech? Right to work attacks freedom of assembly. Yep, that's in there, right after religion, speech, and the press. As Casey Stengel once said, "You could look it up." Hey, all these right to work guys would probably also support state legislation limiting other rights, such as the right to keep and bear arms and even the right to a trial by jury, wouldn't they?????? Heh Heh Heh....

Now, all of this isn't to say, "Hooray for today's unions." There are lots of flaws in them. But that's up to the membership to straighten out. And, if they don't, then shame on them. They then deserve what ill-fate befalls them.

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