Thursday, February 28, 2013


Yep, the history of the US is filled with smirches.  Yet, the history of the US is one of "a relentless struggle to master our own worst urges and to put our best principles into practice."  I don't remember if those are the exact words of Yale Professor David Gelernter, but I think they are close.  I hope that doesn't smack of "American exceptionalism."

Why, among the current elitists, is "American exceptionalism" such a pejorative?  Why do they go out of their way to disparage it, deny it?  After all, ask some one from France or Germany or China or Japan or....and you'll get their own version of "exceptionalism."  The Chinese referred to China as the Middle Kingdom, the intermediary between the gods and other humans.  Don't Muslims consider those not of the Islamic faith to be "infidels," to be treated differently--more poorly at best?  And the French, well, the French think they are more exceptional than anyone.  (Of course, the concept can be taken too far, such as the Nazi Aryans, the super race.) 

Maybe it's because these arrogant elitists (Why does Woodrow Wilson's name always pop into my head when I think or write that?) don't like democracy.  They prefer some sort of aristocracy, they themselves, of course, being the aristocrats.  They are smarter than we are and know what's best for us better than we do.  We are the equivalent of the eternal child, who must always be protected by parents.  Look at the recent track record, even worse in some respects than those of the Progressives and FDR's New Dealers.  ObamaCare was passed despite a sizable portion of the people opposed to it.  And, my guess is the numbers were even higher, given the propensity of the media to cater to the administration and its own role in the aristocracy.  What about all the "czars" appointed by Obama?  (And why hasn't the term "czar" raised anyone's hackles?  Were there ever any rulers more autocratic?)  The EPA has skirted the functions of Congress with the carbon emissions regulations.  Obama has enacted a good part of the Dream Act (immigration) with executive orders.  (I know he's not issued many more exec orders than recent Presidents.  It's not the number, but the intent of his relative to others.)  And we being driven to drive hybrids and electric cars even though we're pretty clear that we don't want to drive them.  Cars are going the same way as light bulbs, television sets, flush toilets, gasoline, etc.  We don't like or want those new-fangled light bulbs?  Too bad.  The arrogant elitists know what's best for us.  Oh, and try to get a 20 oz soda in NYC or a Big Mac in LA.  For that matter, try to get real KFC or McD's fries that taste good--like they used to before gov't bans on what they are/were cooked in.  No, I don't buy either any more.

Government by elitists--aristocracy.  How about kakistocracy?  Government by incompetents!

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