Friday, May 24, 2013

Outta My Mind on a Fri Moanin'

Hats off to the late Bob Talbert, quite a writer......

As I tossed my empty bag of weed 'n' feed in the trash--recyclables--yesterday, I had a good chuckle.  Boldly printed across its front was "Kills More Than 250 Varieties of Weeds."  I guess I found three or four "varieties" it doesn't kill.  And, it's a brand name......

Is Cabrera on a tear?  What's he had in the last 4 or 5 games, about 15 RBIs?  I don't know for sure, but he is rocking the ball.  Porcello, in today's newspaper, revealed that he's a pretty intelligent guy, saying, "I'd walk Cabrera every time up."  Yep.

Has Apple Computers broken the law?  Apparently, our pompous, know-everything US Senators is launching an investigation into why Apple pays little or no federal taxes.  Hey, if Apple has broken the law, toss some folks in jail.  If Apple is merely playing by the rules established by Congress and the US by legally taking deductions, exemptions, credits, leave Apple alone.  Gee, I wonder how many jobs the sanctimonius, look-down-over-his-glasses Carl Levin has created.  I wonder if Levin and his fellow Senators of arrogance take deductions, exemptions, credits when filing their taxes.  And, I wonder why they aren't more concerned with the direction our federal government seems to be headed.

If there's any more reason to vote against Gary Peters in '14 for the US Senate than the endorsement of Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow, I can't think of many.  For good measure, toss in the fact that he's a current member of the House of Representatives, that is, yet another one responsible for the mess emanating from DC. 

The Common Core standards are yet another wasted and misguided attempt at school reform.  That private companies and their lobbyists are at the root of Common Core should be enough of a warning.  After all, check most of the so-called innovations in education over the past three or four decades.  Who has benefitted from them?  Yep, private companies who have sold unwitting administrators, school boards, and government officials bills of goods after bills of goods.  That's what happens when people, in the schools, who shouldn't be allowed to make decisions are allowed to make decisions.  Instead of choosing from those who have experienced quality, rigorous education to lead, we select from the other end, those who have no idea that quality education requires rigor.  I know I offend some people, but many of those education degrees are, to me, fake degrees.  A number of studies and books have demonstrated how these are so.  And some of my more forthwith former colleagues have fully agreed with that assessment, just about laughing all the way to the bank as the school district paid more money for taking these easy courses and fake degrees.  I guess a tried-and-true dictum would be a wise one concerning Common Core, "Follow the money......"

Isn't Michigan great?!?!?!  I know we grouse about the weather, but it's always interesting.  Two weeks ago, I ran on a 28-degree AM.  Two AMs later, it was 66 degrees.  Last Mon eve, I tossed about 45 mins of BP when it was 92; Wed's BP of 30 mins was in the lower 80s.  I ran yesterday AM and it was 67 and very, very humid--"schweaty" as Matt used to call it--while it was 44 when I picked up Bopper from school.  This AM's run was in 38 degrees, with some frost on the cars.  One think I have noticed is that it sure seems to have been windy around here, since about Thanks or Chris, maybe as windy as it's ever been, long-term.  Matt says it's in the 90s in Las Vegas.  By the time we get there in about a month or so, it'll be in the 100s, maybe pushing 110 or 112 or higher. 

Busy day--out to do coups, grocery shop, grade papers, do attendance, mow the front, and, with luck, write a review that's due June 1.

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