Friday, May 17, 2013

"...the low value we place on human life."

Grant, in a comment he made to one of my posts a couple weeks ago, had this insightful  note, "...the low value we place on human life."  Yep, he's nailed that one.

Can we pick up a daily newspaper and not see a story about yet another shooting, often resulting in a murder or murders?  Imagine the society we've created where so many people think it's fine to pick up a gun and start shooting people?

And the Philadelphia case against the abortionist has highlighted how cavalierly (OK, perhaps I'm being a bit harsh) we kill our babies.  I'm not saying that the decision to have an abortion is an easy one; not at all.  Yet, far too often killing a baby takes precedence over career, other inconveniences in life, etc.

Perhaps in light of this, I can amend Grant's insight to this, the low value we place on human life of others.

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