Thursday, May 16, 2013


I have been thinking a lot of science lately, namely how it seems to dominate our lives.  No, I'm not talking specifics, in chemistry or biology.  But, in general, how science or at least terms that science has defined make the world go 'round.

Before I start, science is often at the forefront of my thoughts.  I still think that, although I was a history major at AC, two of my very best instructors were my physics professors, Professors Romer and Dempesy.  That's not to deny the outstanding instruction of my history and other teachers such as Professor Havighurst, Petropoulous, Starr, Czap, and many, many more.  (Yes, I had some dogs, too, but not many.)  To this day, I still think of them and their influence on my life.

Relativity.....  Now there's a term Einstein would like.  More and more I have come to realize the significance of relativity.  Relativity depends on frames of reference.  Here are two examples from daily life.  There can be no doubt that as one age, time speeds up.  Where younger folks complain of "boredom" and the like, oldsters find that time never drags.  What "takes forever" for a young person, zips by for a senior citizen.  Didn't I just visit my son in Las Vegas?  Yep--way back in March!  It wasn't last week?  Nope.  Remember a couple of weeks ago, the fun we had at the New Year's Eve Party--the food, the music, the dancing?  Wait, New Year's Eve, a couple of weeks ago?

Inertia.....  I sometimes am entirely convinced that much of the world operates on inertia.  How can some businesses run by some people ever succeed?  But they do and the only explanation I can think of is inertia.  How can our federal government, esp, continue to operate, so big, so dysfunctional, so impersonal?  It must be inertia.  The wheels start turning and they don't stop, but keep rolling.

Margin....  OK, so that's an economics term, a social science, but I'll include it because, well, this is my blog!  In effect, margin suggests that advance or regression occurs by increments--they are not all or nothng.  A little change can produce different effects, a little more change even more different effects, and so on.  That's a good lesson for, at least, me.  Things aren't always black and white. There are gray (or is it grey?) areas.  Things don't always have to be all or nothing, but can increase or decrease incrementally, a bit at a time.  "Margin," then, might be the key to compromise.

I do have to make one paid political comment.  It's about Marco Rubio (as opposed to that Irish politician, Mark O'Rubio).  Now, hasn't this guy been in the US Senate for two or three years?  Is he a slow learner?  With this immigration bill (The Gang of Eight, boy doesn't that smack of the commies in China!), it appears Rubio was snookered by Chuck Schumer.  How did that happen??????  I guess Rubio didn't ever really read the immigration bill offered by the Gang; he merely took Schumer at his word when Schumer explained what was in it.  And, apparently, Schumer didn't exactly explain the whole thing very clearly.  Rubio, I guess, blindly accepted what Schumer said was in it.  Can there be any other explanation?  I would then think that anyone looking at Rubio as a possible candidate for President might want to rethink that.

Off to tee ball game number two--great fun will be had by all!

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