Monday, March 31, 2008

Kids' Boots

Aren't those kids' boots (and shoes) that have the lights just cool? I got a big kick several times watching Ashley's. I even kicked them a couple of times myself just to watch again when she wasn't wearing them. I wonder if there are similar shoes/boots in my size. Nah, I'm just kidding. That would be silly, not like adult stuff like smoking cigarettes, being 100 lbs overweight, or talking on cell phones while driving. But, I do wear my pony tail hat, a baseball hat with a false pony tail. Matt hated when I'd wear it, but I loved the reactions from other drivers, etc.

Ah, what's wrong with acting like kids once in a while????

Friday, March 28, 2008

End of the Week Musings

Does anyone read these things? Don't people agree or get angry with others' opinions? I'm sure the same people who shake their heads, even laugh, at the 50% of Detroiters who would still vote for Kwame can't be bothered with reading someone else's views and offer their own. About a week ago, I sent a rather inflammatory e-mail to about two dozen people, maybe a few more, hoping to get something started. Some of my statements were merely to arouse people, to get a response, even "Shut up, you dumb f**k!" Nope, I had two or three replies. One was simply, "I agree with your views. Thanks for sending them. Keep them coming." Another actually had an idea. And we wonder why KK, Gov Jennie, W, and all of the other bums get elected and re-elected? There's no wonder. How many people did I hear a couple years ago say after KK's re-election, "Detroiters deserve what they get" from this? Well, these same people deserve what they get, too. Unfortunately, so do the rest of us. What was it Jackson said, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance?" Well, we can be "vigilant" unless Survivor, Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, Desperate Housewives, or whatever most important stuff is on the tube.

Speaking of the tube, my wife was watching some new show when I came in last night. Well, she wasn't actually watching it, but it was on. I asked what this was and she said, "Some new show, Eli something." Well, it took about five minutes, while I unpacked my stuff, took off my shoes, and made Bopper's lunch to figure out this wasn't any "new" show. Yep, you guessed it. Two of the characters were going to bed. One's boyfriend was going somewhere and the law partner of the two hopped in the sack with her. And, it was all so casual.... We wonder why our society is so messed up. We wonder why there is so much promiscuity. We wonder why there are so many unwed mothers. We wonder why there are so many teen-age parents. What, are we stupid? There's no wonder! What is it we glorify? Why isn't there a public outrage against this crap, this junk? What was it I said above, about "getting what we deserve?"

I heard the local school district fired one of its administrators! I'm shocked. This administrator must have really made enemies. After all, how many others have not been fired over the years, despite all kinds of malfeasance, incompetence, even financial, ahem, irregularities? The joke was always what does an administrator have to do to get fired in Huron Valley Schools--they can't do anything to get fired. Ha Ha. The worst, I guess, was to put them back in the classroom, a sort of prison sentence or purgatory. I could regale you with dozens, literally dozens, of stories of idiocy, dishonesty, incompetence, lack of courage, etc. I love the one with an ass't principal who said to a student, "I'm going to put you on a contract," to fix the bad behavior, yeah right. "I know this is your fifth one, but this time I mean it." I burst out laughing in front of the ass't prin, other teachers, and the kids parents. I think I still have a scar, more than 25 years later, from where a counselor sitting behind me kicked me in the back, ostensibly for being so rude. I also liked the time my supervisor, an ass't prin, called me into his office. I was a young teacher, only a few weeks on the job, and, understandably, a bit nervous about this abrupt demand to report to him. He questioned my teaching, something like, "I understand you have been teaching about the Catholic Church in class." Well, yes, I had. "About the popes, bishops, sacraments, and so on." Well, yes. "You admit it?" Well, yes, it's not a secret. Then, when I first knew adminstrators were dolts (as they have proven numerous times over the years), comes, "Don't you think you should give the other side?" "Other side?" What "other side?" "The Protestants...." I think even then, without tenure, only a few weeks on the job, I suppressed a laugh directed at this administrator, before saying, "There was no 'other side.' There were no Protestant Churches. They were about a thousand years away." It was a class in Medieval European History. Not even recognizing what he had displayed, it was "Fine, you're doing a good job. Keep it up." Yeah, right. I remember the time I went to see an ass't prin about some tardies I had written up. It was his policy, for which he received his board-approved several thousand dollar bonus (which, by the way, isn't included in salaries revealed to the public, so the district can say adminstrators really don't get much pay). Yet, I turned in a number of tardies, but received nothing from him--no word of detentions or suspension, no anything. I asked him about these and he said, "Well, the students said they really weren't tardy. You must have made a mistake." I guffawed, laughing right in the guy's face (no wonder they didn't like me, but they made it so easy), before saying, "You don't think these students would lie to avoid a detention or suspension, do you?" The look on his face told me he had never considered the possibility. Then, I went farther, suggesting he "get out of his office" and just stand at the end of the upstairs hallway, any day, any hour, to see the dozens, probably more than 100 tardies in just that small section of the school. Then he might be able to see if I was "making up tardies." To his credit, soon after, there he was--at the end of the hall. But to my knowledge, he never did anything about it. I also complained to the guy about the inordinate number of interruptions to my classes, hour after hour, day after day. He didn't believe me or didn't want to get involved, so I heard nothing. I began collecting just the passes coming from other teachers, coaches, counselors, even the office, and stapling them together and putting them in his mailbox. More days than not, I had well over 30 of these passes, yep, an average of more than 6 per hour! Nope, nothing was done other than an inoccuous e-mail to cut down on the passes. Oh, I'm getting a headache....

Back to Sean Dillon to relax me a bit....

As usual....

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Michigan is a beautful state. I love living here. The four distinct seasons, although sometimes seeming to drag on a bit, are wonderful. They offer bits and pieces of different parts of the US. What brings this on are several e-mails from people in Fla, Az, Cal, etc. or on cruises in sunny climes. I think each and every one of the senders said something like, "I know you don't want to hear this, but...." Then they describe the weather, invariably sunny with temperatures in the 70s or 80s. No, I don't mind hearing those weather reports. No, I don't envy those there. If they like their nice weather--GOOD! I like it here just fine, especially since another turn of the seasons is just around the corner.

One of my most insightful, intelligent buddies once noted that athletes, once they start reminiscing when they are older, "forget" wins and losses. Oh, they might really remember, but focus on other things, "I was all-league" or "I really hammered that all-stater" or something like that. Yep, we had a bit of a thread going this week that reminded me of my buddy's smarts. Nope, we never really talked about wins and losses. Oh, we did compare our much more competitive schedule (a D3 school that often, then, played D1 and D2, many of whom were nationally ranked) to the current schedule (mostly D3 schools, too). But no records came up. We did talk about some funny things, some rather incredible, if lucky, feats, etc. Yep, although I was lucky enough to play with three national championship teams, I rarely think about the championships. Mostly, over all the years, I remember and get the biggest kicks out of the guys, the funny stuff, the individual feats. Yep, I had a lot of fun.

What's with sending 15-year olds, any 15-year olds, to college? Oh, it's not quite that simple, but several school districts are implementing new plans to allow their high schools students to, concurrently, take community college classes. This will lead to high school diplomas and associate degrees upon completion. There are other guidelines and, I suppose, restrictions. I understand the school districts' falling for this--there's money in it!!!! It's another hare-brained scheme, without any deep thought, coming our of our governor's office. Many of our college students today can't or won't do college work. What leads anyone to think some 15-year old can or will? How many of these 15-year olds will not successfully complete the program? Of course, if many don't, the program will die--so....? Simply, they will complete the program so it won't die. We can't have a failed program, can we? Note the increases in college attendance over the past 20-25 years. What has happened to curriculum, to standards, etc.? Obviously, all have been watered down. If students who were once not able or not willing to do the rigorous work required of a (real) college degree are admitted (accompanied by the requisite expansion in building, staff, and bureaucracy), common sense tells us that some serious watering down of standards, etc. is required. After all, these students can't be failed. It will kill the program--oh, and not pay for the aforementioned expansion. As expected, the Free Press fell lockstep into this plan. Sometimes I just wonder.... Are these the people leading education? They don't listen to anything that criticizes the latest empty program/plans. Can you spell d-o-o-m-e-d?

I really got a kick out of the Detroit pastors' support for Kwame Kilpatrick. Hmmm..."pastors," sort of like "Christians?" "KK," sort of like "cheating," "lying," and worse, maybe even "murder?" Why is that? Is it because KK has done some good, positive things for Detroit? Well, Mussoline "made the trains run on time." Hitler eliminated unemployment and restored a nation's spirit. Is that what it's all about? And what about the congregants? Do they accept their pastors' support? Do they pull an Obama and lie about hearing, then fix the lie, or ignore the Christian message sent by their ministers? Yes, KK should resign or at least take a leave of absence. What other city employee (who pays KK's salary?) would be allowed to continue to work, drawing that pay check, if facing similar felony charges? Right, NONE! In fact, KK should resign and talk Gov Jennie into resigning, too. At least he has some success stories.

I enjoy listening to talk radio. Most of the guys are blowhards or really not very reasoned. But I listen anyway. I like hearing the different view points. I do get to keep up on issues, although often hearing just one side of them. I also enjoy listening to these guys, very well paid, often butcher up the English language (of course, they are fully in favor of immigrants having to speak English, but they themselves often have trouble with it!). The other day, one of them used the word "spinned," as in "they spinned the story...." That was a new one for me. And this guy must make six and likely seven figures. Two of the very best on the air are Detroit's Frank Beckmann, who's really very good on knowing the issues and all sides of them before taking a usually right position, and Phil Valentine. PV, I think, is out of Nashville, at least somewhere in Tennessee. He's folksy, down home, so his English faux pas are natural, intentional. He doesn't seem to take himself seriously as some self-anointed intellectual. Yet, the big names could take a few lessons from him. He is logical, down-to-earth, and sensible. Hey, can he be President?

As usual....

Monday, March 17, 2008

Up and Ready Again

Lots to discuss this AM, while Ashley naps....

I see U of M athletics is in the news again. This time it wasn't the shady doings of hiring. Apparently there are allegations of grade coddling. Hello!?!?! Can anyone doubt this? Do you remember the reaction to Jim Harbaugh's concern with the lack of academic effort and achievement expected of UM athletes? As I wrote then, every, and I mean every, U of M grad should be furious if Harbaugh's allegations are remotely true. But then again, if the teams are winning, what U of M alums care? Such hypocrites! "The Harvard of the West" my eye--it's not even the Harvard of Michigan. Back to the current snafu. Does anyone doubt this grade padding isn't going on? Has anyone listened to any of the player interviews in recent years? Has anyone noted the police blotter in recent years? And, although I don't know for certain, consider tihs: some prof has hundreds of "independent study" courses, 86% of which go to athletes; the average grade point for these athletes in these IS courses is greater than 3.6!!!!! Now that's more than a full letter grade higher than their already inflated GPAs. C'mon, a 3.6 is an A-; are these athletes A- students, in a discipline like psychology? See above. Once again, U of M alums should be outraged at this--but, hypocritically again, they won't care.

Ethanol?!?! Our former earth saver is apparently not anywhere close to it. In fact, it uses more energy in its creation than it saves! It also has unintended consequences that Congress and the President never considered. Of course, would any of us ever think Congress and the President would ever consider possible unintended consequences? So, let's let the federal government solve all of our problems, you know, like global warming, the housing crisis, etc. And we just sit back watching American Idol or whatever shows they are..... Shame on them; even more shame on us.

And, finally, someone points out in the newspaper how school districts fudge their budget crises. Now there's a surprise, that school districts are duplicitous, disingenuous, even dishonest. They sit on their "rainy day funds" for what? Some "rainy day," of course. But what, to these people, is a "rainy day?" I know, I know--for one thing, interest rates on borrowing are lower if there's such a fund. Hmmmm. I wonder if the money were used to balance budgets, that is, to be more financially/fiscally responsible--not running a deficit?--lending institutions would consider that in determining lower borrowing rates. Nah, think about the housing/mortgage situation.

Yep, let's bail out those greedy people--both borrowers and lenders--who tried to get richer and richer, live well beyond their means. Let's take the money (you know, steal more of it in the form of taxes) from people who were more frugal (dare I say intelligent?) and saved, actually saved, money to buy houses and reward those who want it all right now. Let the lenders go bankrupt; let the buyers struggle. This might be a hard, but a good, lesson for everyone. By the way, remember buying your first house? I think my mother-in-law still harbors it against me for making her daughter eat "Chunky Soup on bulk white rice" two or three times a week for dinner while we were saving for the first house.

Let me leave on a positive note. My grandkids are great! I just love the heck out of both of them. Ashley is the cutest thing going--not that I'm prejudiced at all! She bawled like, well, a baby, when I left her yesterday afternoon; she motioned me with her cute little "come here" gesture. Yeah, it melted my heart. Michael and I had a great time earlier yesterday--and Sat eve. He helped me make dinner, preparing a lion's share of it himself. We went to Borders for books yesterday, with a detour to DQ for a blizzard on the way home. Ah, is good. Speaking of the devil (or angel), Ashley just woke up from her nap.

Gotta run; forgive any errors since I don't have time to proofread.