Saturday, November 29, 2008


I repeat, "It's great to talk to myself." In more than 100 blog posts, two people (and, to their credit, more than once each) responded.

I wouldn't even mind a "Go jump in the lake" from someone.


Is this true? Citibank, the one crying for government (that is, taxpayer) money laid off 52,000 workers (seems high to me, but...), yet has forked over several hundred million dollars (maybe $400 million?) for the rights to name the New York Mets new stadium after Citibank. Where is the Congressional oversight on this, the grilling of the Citibank execs? I'd really like to see the campaign contributions of Citi. So, the Big 3 execs were taken to task for flying to DC, but the Citi guys haven't even been asked their shoe size?

When are Americans going to tell Congress, "ENOUGH!"? Oh, never...OK. I was just asking.

Friday, November 28, 2008

"What kind of a people...."

Winston Churchill, speaking of the Axis, once asked, "What kind of a people do they think we are? Can it be they do not realize that we will never cease to persevere against them until they are taught a lesson that they and the world shall never forget?"

I was thinking of this today as I heard a radio jock ask that same question in another context. He noted the "Black Friday" rushes (who came up with that terrible name, "Black Friday?") that not only exhibited the worse of manners and behavior, but also apparently killed several people in stampedes in a couple of places across the country. I saw some of this, too. The lady who flew around a corner blindly, so she could park her SUV ("No blood for oil," no doubt) in a spot for which I was waiting patiently. Maybe it was the lady who nearly ran over a mother and her daughter (I assume) backing out of a parking spot while on the cell phone--and still doesn't even know how close she came. Maybe it was the cell-phone jockey who decided the red light didn't apply to her, narrowly missing me as I picked up a carry-out dinner. Can we mention the many standing in the middle of aisles, yakking away on cell phones? No, none of these were what occupied my thinking today.

Can you imagine BO's call for some sort of "civilian defense organization?" After all, that's what made him qualified for the Presidency, he was a "community organizer." He made a speech saying that's what he'd create, with a budget as big as that of the US military! Where was/is the outrage, the protests? To paraphrase, "What kind of a people does he think we are?" Well, obviously, he doesn't think we're willing to teach anyone a lesson about anything. Maybe he even thinks we're dumb. And, I think he's right.

Can you say "Red Guard," as in Lenin and Trotsky, and "Brown Shirts," as in Hitler? "Oh, c'mon Ron. Get serious...." How do we not know our history? Oh, I forgot. We were too busy teaching about diversity, that all people and all cultures are deserving of respect and acceptance. Apparently, that includes the Commies and Nazis...after all, if we could have just sat down and talked with Stalin and Hitler. (There was an idiot British Member of Parliament who actually said that! Jimmy Carter, are you listening?) I'm not making this up--it's history, READ IT! When Lenin was smuggled into Russia by the Germans to stir up trouble in the teetering Provisional Government, people laughed at him, even his own party members laughed and walked out. Who was laughing a few years later? Certainly not the 6 million he murdered. And can we mention Stalin? When Hitler was appointed Chancellor, many thought he was just doing what Germany finally deserved as a member of the family of nations. He was restoring pride and whatnot to the Germans. He was a political lightweight who would be easily manipulated when necessary. Right...I see how he was manipulated a couple years later. Don't take my word for it--READ THE HISTORY!

Would you like to start with BO's support for the Fairness Doctrine, which eliminates "fairness." He and the Dems favor a re-enactment of the old Fairness Doctrine, repealed 20 years ago. (Don't take my word for it--READ THE OLD DOCTRINE!) Yeah, a fairness doctrine that attacks "fairness." Have you read 1984 and Animal Farm? What was it Pastor Niemoeller said, "First they came after the Jews and I wasn't a Jew, so I said nothing. Then they came after the Commies and I wasn't a Commie, so I said nothing. Then they came after the trade unionists and I wasn't a trade unionist, so I said nothing. Then they came after the Gypsies.... Then they came after me and there was no one left to say anything." Are you aware of the Missouri lawsuit BO's campaign filed to silence the opposition there? Are you aware of the pressures BO's campaign brought on newspapers, radio stations, etc. to silence the opposition?

I was sent a survey from one of the survey companies I do surveys for (when was the last time you saw the word "survey" this many times in a single sentence?). The first half of it was about BO. Responding to the questions, I was as "negative" as the responses would allow, adding with the comment that "I am worried because I think BO could be very dangerous to the principles that made this country what it is." Certainly, nobody cares what Ron says and why would BO, even in light of the attempts to shut up opposing views. I wonder how many "nobodies" were among the 25+ million Hitler or 30+ million Stalin killed????

No, I'm not paranoid, just concerned over what kind of lackadaisical, apathetic people we have become. I wonder what Winston Churchill would say today.
