Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Worst Incident

I saw on a post today someone who was criticizing the recent winner of the Mass Sen election, Scott Brown. Apparently she didn't like that he was a Republican, "of moral superiority," obviously said snidely, yet had posed for Cosmo. I don't know a lot about Brown. I know he posed, but from reports, he wasn't au natural. And, he was 22-years old. What 22-year old doesn't have something stupid he did????

A comment to this post mentioned something like, "Imagine if Hillary had...." First, there is/was no chance of any such posing. Let's get that out of the way. Surely, these folks aren't holding Hillary Clinton up as any sort, any sort, of paragon of virtue? Let's just start and end with "Vince Foster." Enough said....

And I wonder if their "indignation" rises, too, for John Edwards. Can you spell "scumbag?" Of course, too, there's Teddy Kennedy. Hmm, I wonder if what happened at Chappaquiddick is as bad as posing for Cosmo? Maybe, a little worse? Well, what about Edwards' behavior--wife, family, etc.? Hmmmm...maybe a toss-up?

This isn't to take sides necessarily, nor even to justify what Brown did. It may have been perfectly all right or might have been scurrilous. It is the blatant hypocrisy evident on both sides, the so-called "liberals" and "conservatives." They both have lost their moral compasses. As if to underscore this, one who decried the recent Supreme Court ruling on McCain-Feingold, had an "Obama" bumper sticker on her car, one that was put out by MoveOn.Org. I wonder if it is OK for George Soros' group to spend lots of money, protected by free speech, but that same money spent by corporations is evil....

Hypocrisy lets us have it both ways, I guess.

Friday, January 22, 2010


I don't understand, esp in these sour economic times, why more people don't use coupons when purchasing their groceries (and other items). I watched most people today at the grocery store just pull out their money, rather their check books or debit/credit cards, and pay full price.

Granted, I had a few bottles and cans to return (a few bagsful, but not a whole lot), but I saved almost $45 dollars this afternoon! My payment (check) was about $53--and $23 of that was in beer and deposits on beer/soda cans ($3.60 of which I will recover).

Now, clipping coups takes some time, maybe about 10-15 mins a week. I do it at the dining room table on Sun AM. I imagine people could clip while watching the boob tube (which I rarely watch) or while engaged in other passive activities. I subscribe to two Sunday newspapers to get coups, get some online, and other people (e.g., at Karen's work, neighbors, even my mother-in-law) send them to me.

It can be fun, a game of sorts. Watching expiration dates, we can wait for sales to multiply the effects/savings. For instance, this week Gatorade G2 went on sale at Krogers for $1--a couple weeks ago there were 50-cent coups in the paper. With double coups, I got a couple of bottles for free. A ramen noodle-type package was on sale for $1.05 and I had 50-cent coups for those, too--doubled and I received a couple of quick lunches (that I enjoy!) for a nickel each. Diapers? Wait for the $10 ones to go on sale for $7 and then use the ubiquitous $2 coup from the newspaper inserts--half off. My glucosamine/chondroitin capsules that are $21 a bottle? Wait for buy one get one and then use two $5 coups.

Even buying just a Sun newspaper for the inserts can be considered an investment--and a pretty good one at that.

"Tired Day"

Friday is my "tired day." I've been away for a while, so here are some Fri afternoon musings (or, I suppose, ramblings!).

The Codester is walking. He just sort of took off last week and hasn't stopped. It might have been Sun evening when Ashley said, "Hey, look! Cody's walking!" Yep, we was and looks as if he's been doing it all his life. Speaking of Ashley, she loves "to spell my name on the computer." She can do it, I think, for hours and hours. I have to divert her attention. And, as for the Bopper, he's into his baskeball. He's not quite ready for the NBA, but he is working at it, learning some things, and, most important, having fun. And his Grandpapa is having fun coaching him and his team.

I take a few online surveys. I belong to a couple survey companies. Most are pretty humdrum. One of the companies sent me one in the mail a week or so back. For my "trouble," $5 was included. Thanks! One of the categories was "television." A question was "How much TV do you watch in a week?" I was forced to choose the "1-3 hours a week" option--because that's the closest. I watch some, but not much. At the end of an evening of watching the boob tube, I feel like I've wasted several hours when I could have been doing something worthwhile. There are no shows I plan to watch or look forward to watching. To each his own.... Back to the surveys, one gives "full credit" (for prizes) for completing the full survey (a 15-minute survey usually comes with a $5 credit for prizes (mags, discounts, etc.). Partial credit, maybe 50 cents is given for an incomplete survey or if "you do not qualify...." Why is it, much more often than not, that I spend 10, almost the entire 15 mins filling the survey and with just a bit more to complete, suddenly "you do not qualify..." pops up? Maybe I'll ask.

I have some comments about the Mass election, but have groceries to put in the pantry and laundairy (sic) to get to right now. Out....

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Blame Game

Every year, some university has a list of words or terms it wants eliminated from our daily vocabulary. A few years ago, it was "state of the art." Likely, you've seen them.

I have a candidate for next year: "BLAME." Why not get rid of the word if we're not going to use it? There is no blame any more. Nobody is responsible for what he/she does. It's always someone or something else's fault.

I'm fat because of fast food places or television commercials. I missed that ball because it was the wrong color. I failed that test because the teacher didn't ask the right questions. You name it...except don't blame anyone.

Hey, even our President doesn't want to foist "blame" on anyone for the Chris Day airline mishap. Nope, making someone accountable might, well, ruin their holiday season. We certainly wouldn't want to make anybody responsible or accountable, would we?

So, how are we to know who not to let make decisions any more? How are we to know who not to put in charge? It's not the burglar's fault; he was abused as a child. OK, then it's all right to let him watch our house when we're away. After all, it's not his fault if he takes anything.

I've written this before. There is no shame. There are somethings I have been and still am very ashamed of doing. I suck it up and still go out there in front of people, humiliated. I wonder if they know that or if they don't even realize it because, after all, my missteps weren't my fault???? Aren't people embarrassed any longer? What, then, is to govern people's behavior? More and more laws aren't always the answer. Maybe for things like murder that's the case, but what about burping in public? Talking on the cell phone while driving, endangering others' lives? If no behaviors are shameful, then why not just do them?

Ah, sometimes (like right now) I wonder, "What's the use?"


Isn't it great how "anti-bullying" we are? School districts have such programs. The federal and state gov'ts have such policies. I guess even lawsuits are filled over bullying.

Then, pray tell, why is there such bullying still going on? Why do schools (namely their administrators) bully by ostracizing, calling names, etc.? Why does Congress bully (in the name of prostitution/bribery) to get unpopular bills passed?

Why are we such hypocrites?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Not Running

I see several Dems have announced they aren't running for re-election. I certainly expect more to make similar announcements. Can it be they assume they are facing sure defeat? Are they afraid of standing up to the criticism (they've been hiding behind the holidays, secret and late night sessions, etc.), unable to defend the travesties they've perpetrated? Can't they imagine being in office when all this junk kicks in (after all, theire votes helped create this)? Of course, note what their retirement packages will be.

How do people like this get elected in the first place?!?! It must be that we have fallen asleep.

Now, if the party(ies) can nominate some intelligent, courageous candidates with integrity, intead of the pabulum we've been force-fed or if voters become courageous enough to vote for minor party candidates....

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Scenes of Nature

OK, what are your favorite scenes of nature? Omit any man-made things and family (such as photos of the kids or grandkids). Natural phenomena are all that count here.

No doubt, many will mention a gorgeous sunset. I certainly would. And, obversely, a sunrise can be equally stunning. I am partial to ocean waves pounding a beach on an overcast, slightly windy day. Specifically, note Mt Ranier on a flight into Seattle or the Tennessee Smokies on one of the winding highways. If you've not seen the Holyoke Range from Amherst's Memorial Hill, you are missing something, too.

This AM, I had a great run. It was snowing lightly and I was out on some back country roads. It was just beautiful. I sort of got lost in myself, just looking around, and found myself a couple miles farther out than I usually go on Tuesdays. So, I almost doubled my mileage this AM and am I bit more spent this eve. But, that's OK. The scenery was well worth it. If I have time tomorrow, I'm going to the trails for what I expect will be another run of beauty.

Be well....

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Baseball Hall of Fame

An article in today's newspaper brought this interesting topic up yet again. Who belongs in the Hall of Fame, but hasn't been inducted?

What criteria? Stats alone? What about defense? (Mazeroski?) Longevity? (Early Wynn is in for 300 wins, but he had just about as many losses?) (Koufax? Who had only five years when he was, unquestionably, the best in baseball, maybe Mantle said, striking out yet again in the '63? Series, "How're we supposed to hit that shit?")

What about the pariahs? Shoeless Joe and Pete Rose? What about the performance-enhancing drug users, when their times come? Does character count? If so, numbers notwithstanding, consider Ty Cobb (how many careers did he try to end with his antics?).

Andre Dawson? Roberto Alomar? Lee Smith? Bert Blyleven? And, closer to home here, what about Alan Trammell and Jack Morris? If Ozzie Smith was a first-round inductee, how can Trammell be left out? Style v substance? Do Lou Whitaker and Lance Parrish deserve consideration?

What voter could have left Nellie Fox off his ballot, yet it took the veterans' committee to induct him? And, besides, what kid from back then didn't use a Nellie Fox model bat!?!?

One of the most egregious oversights is Ted Simmons. Check his numbers and compare them with the other H of F catchers of his era--he does very well, thank you. (OK, OK, that's a personal choice, but still legit!).


Friday, January 1, 2010

Liberal Education

It seems the liberals have taken over "liberal arts education." I hope not, because their concepts of education are anything but what a real liberal arts education is about. There is a good essay about this here: Read it.

Pres Arnn makes a number of valid points, although I might take issue with a couple others. His views of the early American documents, the backbone of American civilization, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, are thoughtful and insightful. They reflect on the lack of understanding of history and these documents by our current leaders, taught by this new school of thought in our current schools.

Instead of individuals making their own lives better, what they want of them, instead of gov't being limited, being forced to stay out of our ways to better lives, the new leaders think that gov't is the "messiah," here to make things better for everyone. This falls into line with what one of our Michigan Congressional delegation (a Dem) said on the radio, back in Dec: that if the Congress (that is, the "anointed") think something is good and approve of it, the Constitution can be violated. That was confirmed by another of Mich's delegation (a Rep), who confirmed that members of Congress think they are smarter than we are, that they have a monopoly on what is best.

Read what Arnn takes out of BO's book, Audacity of Hope: Obama's conviction that the Constitution rejects the concept of absolute truth. It's all right there, both in Arnn's essay and i BO's book. I don't make up this stuff. But consider that, the rejection of absolute truth. Does anyone see any danger in that? So, there are no absolute truths, meaning murder, rape, child molestation, and just about anything could be perfectly acceptable actions. After all, who's to say what is right and wrong if there are no absolute truths? Of course that is hooey, but it's dangerous hooey. Consider the bribes (none dare call it prostitution?) that were needed to pass ObamaCare in the Senate. With no absolute truths, what's wrong with bribes (prostitution)? Consider the intimidation of companies and individuals who opposed or might oppose the BO agenda. Consider the health care bill(s), none of which doesn't have provisions requiring US citizens to purchase health insurance or pay a fine of up to 1/5 of their annual incomes, requiring those insurance plans to have gov't-accepted provisions, allocating health resources and monies as determined by the gov't, and prohibiting buying or selling any plan that doesn't meet gov't regulations. See, the anointed know better than we do what's good for us. And, if we don't accept that, as Arnn points out, the anointed are prepared to "bully" us. (Wait! I thought "anti-bullying" was in, esp in the schools?)

This is tyranny. Note the use of the term "czar." Because history isn't important enough to teach in the schools, likely most people don't know what a "czar" was--that a czar could do whatever he wanted, such as tax chimneys, boots, and even a dead person for dying and forcing men to be clean shaven and to speak a certain language. Yes, I found this term reprehensible when it was used by the Nixon and Reagan administrations, as in "Drug Czar."

Again, without absolute truths, what is there to determine right and wrong? "Diversity" is to blame for this. "All people and all cultures and their ideas are worthy of respect and acceptance." Baloney/Bologna!!!!! And people fell for it. They were too busy playing with their toys. (See a blog from a couple days ago.)

See what happened when far too many teachers allowed all this crap to happen. They are culpable, those who said, out of apathy, cowardice, I don't know, "I'm just going to close my classroom door and...." They did a great disservice to education, to our country.

"I was too busy enjoying my freedom to do anything to protect it."

Required Reading

A great monthly journal to read is the Hillsdale College Imprimus. It is free upon request and almost always has a thoughtful, insightful essay. The writing is clear, concise, and, despite what some might say (those who cannot defend what they think other than call names), not "not rational." You might subscribe to it by going to