Monday, December 29, 2014

Monday Moanin'

OK, I stole that one from a late Detroit newspaper columnist.  But, I don't think he'll mind......

Money, Money, Money.  Is that what it's all about, still?  I have heard these radio ads enticing people to seek out businesses who work with the IRS to cut the amount of taxes paid.  Some claim they can reduce tax liability by well over half.  "The IRS is willing to deal," says one ad.  Wait a minute!  Why do I have to pay all of my taxes and some other scofflaw only has to pay a fraction?  Where are all the doo-gooders (and I do mean "doo") on this?  After all, they are constantly crying, "Everyone has to pay his fair share!"  Yeah, right......

And, for all this standing up for the little guy junk, the Obama administration has done little, actually has done nothing, in going after the big bank fraud perpetrators.  Oh, I know there have been some fines, rather minuscule in light of the vast profits made off of illegal doings.  And isn't it great that some of the fines can be written off against federal taxes?  But what is really galling is that the vaunted Justice Dept of Eric Holder has yet to file charges against any individuals involved.  These perpetrators continue to haul down the big bucks.  And, read their names; they aren't hard to find.  In fact, many are found again in more recent shady doings under investigation.  I'm guessing, with the Obama Administration, at least the Justice Dept (Is that a misnomer in this instance?), in bed with big money, nobody is shaking in his boots. let alone hiring some hot-shot defense law firm.

Term limits, term limits.  We're at it again.  I've written enough about why I oppose term limits, but this one thing sticks with me.  Instead of owning up to our own responsibilities to seek out quality candidates, to not support Bozos running for election, we look to blame something else.  And both sides, those for and those against, use term limits as their bogeyman.  Bologna/Baloney!  Voters are the culprits!  "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves......"

The column I read looked intriguing, at least the headline did.  "Outrage" and how we were so "outraged" in 2014.  The piece wasn't very good and not what I expected.  But again I am amazed at how "outraged" Americans really are, for about 15 minutes.  Then things pass until it's time for the next 15-minute outrage.

At the hotel yesterday AM, as I was dressing for breakfast after my run, Karen had on the boob tube.  The show was a panel discussion of prominent (I know, that's subjective!) Detroit-area folks discussing the future of Detroit.  Oh, they talked schools, investment, tax bases, etc.  But one thing they never talked about, the one thing I think will spell success or doom in rebuilding Detroit.  My goodness, don't these people read their own newspapers or watch their own newscasts!?!?!?  Over the past few days, has anyone noticed the number of people who have been shot and killed--murdered--in the city?  Granted, such shootings have become so routine, we often must open to page 5 or 6 to read about them.  Still, with all the violent crime, how does Detroit stand a chance?  Violent crime must be stopped and stopped while there are still folks willing to invest in Detroit's recover.

I just finished reading a series on the Holocaust.  Wow!  Talk about depressing stuff......  The inhumanity and cruelty that people impose on other people in the name of whatever is saddening--no, worse than that.  But even more compelling to me is that so many people stood around and did nothing.  Oh, of course there was Rev Niemoeller, "First they came after..but I said nothing......," but not many others.  It was the "I don't want to get involved" or "Things can't be that bad" although all one had to do was not willfully ignore what was out in the open.  And I see that happening now.  Note how many family members defend the thugs and thug-wannabes as "good" people, well-behaved, etc.  See how many deny the thugs and thug-wannabes have guns, despite video evidence as well as witnesses demonstrating the contrary.  As long as people refuse to get involved, refuse to help stop the violence, it will continue.  Again, note the Holocaust.

I got a kick out of a headline the other day.  I don't remember which newspaper it was, but it cited Mike Ilitch's investment in the Woodward area.  Ha!  I think, at the very least, taxpayers should have had equal billing.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Dec 26th

I reading a series on the Holocaust for review--and it, the series, is very depressing.  In fact, I needed to take a break from reading one particularly hasty, inhumane passage, dealing with children who were dressed up in their best clothes (at least the best they had), marched to cattle cars, and taken off to extermination camps.

As if any thinking person needs to be reminded of the evil that can be perpetrated......  Well, it appears many so-called "thinking" people don't know or refuse to acknowledge evil.

I have done extensive reading on the Holocaust, although not much in recent years, even a couple of decades.  What the Nazis and common people who either aided and abetted or just looked the other way dud brings tears to the brink of my eyes.  This is esp true when reading of the children who were shipped to their deaths.

The Holocaust could not have happened, certainly not to the extent it did, without the help, active or otherwise, of those who weren't Nazis.  I just cannot fathom how this happened, how so many people could have turned a blind eye to what was, if not overtly know, obvious.  I nod when I read of Jews in Europe who thought, "Oh, this is an exaggeration.  Such cannot be happening."  I'm not a Holocaust denier, not by any means.  I just cannot understand how this happened.

But I am heartened by the many stories of the hundreds, even thousands of lives that were saved by the heroics of others.  We've heard some of the names, such as Raoul Wallenberg and Oskar Schindler, but many others have gone by nameless.  A lot of them not only defied the Nazis, openly and otherwise, but also their own governments, institutions (such as churches), etc.  They, too, if caught faced death.  Courage......

Besides the sadness and anger that this provokes, there are lessons for us here, if we'll only open our eyes to them.

Today's Detroit News includes an op-ed in which the newspaper makes its case opposing term limits.  I, too, oppose them, but for far different reason.  I, that is we voters, already possess the power of term limits.  We can always vote for the other guy, for a different candidate.  Term limits takes away my choices as a voting citizen.  But that's not the stance the News takes.

It cites the experience and power attained by the four Michigan members of Congress who are leaving at the end of this term.  Each of the four "gained expertise, influence" during their long tenures in office.  I suppose so; I certainly won't argue that.

But isn't this the same Detroit News that is a frequent, if not constant, critic of what is handed down from Washington, DC, the politicians, the appointees, and the bureaucrats?  And, if so much that is wrong has emanated from these DC folks, Democrats and Establishment Republicans alike (which includes each of these four who are exiting), why would we cite them as positive examples for not having term limits?

Maybe it's as I suspect.  The Detroit News--and other media outlets who purport to be conservative--talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk.  That is, it really doesn't want to see the Establishment shaken because it is a part of the Establishment.  Look at the number of incumbents the News endorsed back in Aug (esp telling in the primary) and Nov--both Reps and Dems.  Why would it do that?  Why would it continue to back people who, already holding office, have done so much damage to the American people, esp Michigan residents?  And, just read the News op-ed pages and you'll see that the paper is very critical......

The Free Press, I think, had a column by a Democrat adviser that lampooned (harpooned?) Sen. Ted Cruz for his antics last week (or was it two weeks ago already?) over the Cromnibus.  Ha, Ha, she chuckled, Cruz actually helped the Dems get things through the Senate before adjournment for Chris and New Years.  (Does she really think Reid would have let anyone go home without voting on these things before the Reps take over after the first of the year?)  It, the column, led me to wonder about so many of these op-eds.  Are these so-called "experts" really ignorant of matters or do they deliberately manipulate and obfuscate the truth?  I'm really not sure.

And last, without any comment on the grand jury rulings of the past month or so, I wonder why no arrests have been made (or have they?) of looters and arsonists who took to the streets.  I haven't heard of any, but I guess that doesn't mean there haven't been any.  Still......  No doubt there is evidence to arrest and convict many of the felons--they have been captured on!  They destroyed other people's property--their businesses and livelihoods, their homes and cars.  Why are they allowed to break the law, openly!, in the name of "protest" and have government do nothing but look the other way?  I wonder what might have happened to those of us who didn't like seeing W. Bush or Obama elected President and foresaw the bad things they each perpetrated on the US had we "protested" in such a manner.  I know, I know......

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Road Taxes

Without question, I vote no on the state legislature's plan for increased taxes to pay for fixing Michigan's roads.  I'll explain in a bit.

But first, a Free Press editorial blazes this headline at us, "Our legislators are making fools of us."  I beg to differ, but only in degree.  I think we have already made "fools," big "fools" of ourselves by voting for most of those Bozos in Lansing (well, DC, too).  If one seriously thinks about this, what would one expect the legislators to do?  This is not new stuff.  Rotten things happen all the time up there (and in DC, too).  They have other people's money to spend.  They have to think, not about the people of Michigan (or the US), but their parties.  (C'mon, listen to their own words.)  They have their own agendas, not ours.  Yes, they lie to us and that we continue to elect the same people or the same types of people--from both parties!--delineates us as fools.

Now, about the road taxes.  No!  No! No!  There are no assurances that better materials will be used.  There are no assurances of any guarantees/warranties about work.  There are no assurances of lower weight limits on trucks.  No!  No!  No!  There is enough money; we've given the legislators plenty of it.  They just spend it where they were not supposed to spend it.  (It's not their money.  And we've shown how foolish we are by continuing to agree to give them more--either directly or by electing people who increase our taxes.  Look at the local school district.  The board members and administration come begging to voters last August for more money--after giving the already very well-compensated superintendent a $43,000 bonus.  I won't go into how poorly I think the school district is run, but I could.)

The governor and his Republican lackeys gave Michigan businesses a $1.8 billion tax cut, with no stipulations.  There were no conditions such as hiring more people, lowering prices, etc.  None.  Oh, people who support the governor point to lower unemployment figures in Michigan.  Yeah, right......  If jobs are really being created, where is the extra revenue the state should be getting?  Jobs that have been created are part-time and low/minimum wage jobs.  And I don't know where the governor and the Republican lackeys shop, but I haven't noticed any drop in prices, except at the gas pump.  In fact, food prices are skyrocketing.

Those who say the roads are beating up their cars--don't look to me to fix your car.  Look to those "fools" in Lansing.

BTW, as an addendum, let me note this--Sarah Palin was right, again.  While all the so-called "really smart" people (from both parties) were dumping on her, she was right on Russia and Ukraine and now she's right on gas/oil, "Drill, Baby, Drill!"  Well, if you don't like the lower gas prices, maybe you don't think she was right......

Friday, December 19, 2014

Fri Thoughts

Today's newspaper has some good op-eds.

Several of them deal with the state legislature's solution to fixing the roads--a May election for a tax increase.  The general consensus is that the legislators, esp in the Republican-controlled House, demonstrated a great deal of "cowardice," in "kicking the can down the road" and letting someone else (voters) make the decision.

Now, on the one hand, this is probably at the essence of democracy, letting people decide directly.  Yet, we all know that money has become a primary, if not the primary, influence on elections.  Boy, how deep do you think some interest groups' pockets are?  The Chamber of Commerce?  The MEA? (Yep, there are some crumbs tossed the MEA's way to garner the support of teachers, although what this has to do with fixing roads seems a stretch at best--pandering, I guess.)  Road construction firms?

Yep, all-in-all this seems like a bad deal.  There's plenty of money out there, in the state coffers.  Taxes don't need to be raised.  Funds from other boondoggles, wasted programs, etc. should be found to pay for the roads.

Apparently some U of M professor wrote an article in which she states, "I hate Republicans."  OK, I'll bet she does, seeing as she teaches at U of M.  Isn't that a condition of employment there, being a card-carrying liberal (or at least masquerading as one until tenure)?  Of of several minds about this, esp about the criticism being leveled at her.

First, I think what she writes shows not merely a lack of tolerance/toleration, but an ignorance a college instructor shouldn't have.  That she believes "psychological and historical research" support her claims is incredibly ignorant.  But I'm not surprised at her stance or opinions, not at all.

But I still believe that she should be accorded the right to express her opinions, ignorant or otherwise.  As I have said in the past, "People have a right to be stupid in this country."  No--absolutely none- actions should be taken by the U of M to censure/discipline her.  (Now, as if the thoroughly indoctrinated place would actually take any such actions......)  That is, as long as she is never shown to punish students who hold opposing views, that is, perhaps, such as thinking fetuses are "persons" not to be killed at the whim of a woman who doesn't want to be burdened with motherhood.  If she is shown to discriminate against those with, well, conservative views, then she should be terminated.   Otherwise, let her express her views openly.  Leave her alone unless it affects her classes and students.

It was pretty well known my professors were liberals, most of them anyway.  But they kept their politics out of the classroom.  I think it's clear in my classes I'm not a liberal, although I think I could dispute any conservative label that might be placed on me, too.  I make it pretty clear that I'm not a big fan of FDR--and I explain why and also that my view is in a distinct minority.  That is, I point out that students' textbooks, other teachers, and even the instructors in my dept likely don't agree with me.  And, I tell them, they can think what they want--if they back what they are saying.  For instance, if they write in a paper or on an exam that FDR and the New Deal were wonderful because they pulled the US out of the Depression, I question that.  There must be some evidence.  Exactly why do students say this?  How did FDR and the New Deal pull us out of the Depression?  (Remember, Hitler diminished unemployment in Germany far more effectively that FDR/the New Deal.  Of course, I'm not advocating any Hitler- or Nazi-tactics here or anywhere.  But......)

Just a little note, although it should have been highlighted, came from a review of Walter Williams' "dim view of Detroit."  He spoke in Detroit a few weeks ago and noted that, to succeed, to bounce back, Detroit must make some serious changes, including changes in culture.  He noted that there are more people in Detroit who use city services than pay for city services.  That is unsustainable, esp with the dwindled economic base.  He also pointed to poor education (not completely the fault of the schools and teachers, my comment) and high crime rates.  But the biggest obstacle to any renaissance for Detroit is, Williams said, the welfare system.  "The welfare state is an equal opportunity destroyer," said.  It is the cause of the breakdown of black families.  BTW, Williams came from a poor, disadvantaged background.  His columns can be googled.  Of course, the professional civil rights activists and doo-gooders (and I do mean "doo") have written him off as a sell-out.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wed AM Thoughts

It's past time to get rid of Boehner and McConnell as Congressional leaders.  Maybe the newly-elected (Nov) can team up with those like them already there to bring about the coup.  I certainly hope so.  It's not just the Democrats who think we are "stupid," but Establishment Republicans, too.

Note how the Establishment Republicans are taking after Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, et al.  One would think these two were far more dangerous to Americans than, say, the Taliban or ISIS/ISIL.  (For that matter, they, along with the liberals, think the Tea Partiers are bigger threats than the Islamofascists.)  It seems as if the Establishment Republicans are upset that Cruz is forcing them to take a principled stand.  "Gee, we can't have that happen."  Besides, he messed with their Chris vacations/breaks!

And here's some lamebrain Senator (Was I just being redundant?) claiming Cruz et all were responsible for the confirmation of a number of "controversial" Obama appointments.  Bull puckey!  Either she thinks we are "stupid" or she is stupid.  Does anyone really believe Harry Reid would not have put these confirmation votes on the calendar before breaking for Chris?  Does anyone really believe he'd have left the confirmation votes for the incoming (January) Republican Senate?

Imagine, passing a $1.1 trillion "Cromnibus" bill, with tons of pork, of more than 1,000 pages, in the blink of an eye.  Now, this comes from a Speaker who, not too long ago, purportedly backed a proposal that would have demanded at least a 3-day wait for votes on bills.  What was that about "taking a stand on principles?"  Heh Heh.

I was dismayed to hear even Bill Bennett defend the Establishment Republicans who voted for this continued spending frenzy.  (Check out the bill and all of the pork, what it funds, etc.)  He, like so many of the ER, said, in essence, "Wait until January."  Well, that's been one of the problems, hasn't it?  The Republicans always are content to kick the can down the road, eventually fixing things at some later date.  Well, "eventually" and "later date" never seem to come.

And listen to the defenders, from both parties.  How many times did they say " the best interests of the party?"  That, folks, is the problem.  Both parties are not concerned about the country or the American people (at least the majority of them--and the Democrats use the people as pawns), but in "the party."

I'll beat an old horse here.  No, I didn't waste my votes in November by voting for minor/third party candidates or writing in my own choices.  I say anyone who voted for a Democrat or Establishment Republican wasted his or her vote.

Remember, the Establishment Republicans are just like the Democrats in favoring Big Government, with the only difference, the only one, is that they want to be in charge.

Again I iterate,

Speaking of lamebrains, I caught the tail-end of some woman's interview on the radio the other day.  I didn't get her name, but she asked this question, rhetorical or not (and I don't remember exactly how she put it, but I'm not misrepresenting it/her), "Would the terrorist groups water board our soldiers if they were captured?"  Nope, she has a point.  I'm pretty sure water boarding would be out of the picture.  Beheading wouldn't be.  And remember Mogadishu (if I recall correctly).  All these doo-gooders (and I do mean doo) who demand, ha, "basic human rights" for these animals might well also demand that these animals behave like humans.

BTW, where is the Senate report on Obama's approval of the use of drones?  Or, is that off limits?

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Someone somewhere at Google Accounts must be having a good laugh.  My access to this blog is often difficult to reach.  Formerly, I could just click on, one click, and get here.  Now, there are hoops I must jump through.  I have to change my password again and again.  After so many changes, how am I supposed to remember which one it is now--as senile as I'm getting?  (Aren't we told not to write down passwords?  Or is that another result of my senility, forgetting?)  I think they are messing with my mind, expediting my mental demise.

And why do the colleges, well one of them, require password changes so often?  If the previous was characterized as "Strong," why the need to switch?  And, previous passwords can't be re-used.  After all of these years, I'm running out of things I can remember for passwords.  And..."don't write them down."  Of course, I could (and hope I won't be arrested?) and put them in a safe place.  But there's no guarantee I won't forget where the "safe place" is.  Yep, I do that with other things already.

No doubt many will take this the wrong way and I suppose I can't change that.  I wonder why Brown and Garner have become martyrs--and that's what they've become.  Thugs or, at least, thug wanna-bes
have been turned into martyrs.  Again, and I've repeated this many times, where are the similar reactions or any reactions to the many children, even babies!, who are murdered in this country?  I know, I know......  "We should expect better from our police officers......"  (Of course, then shouldn't we also expect better from our elected officials and those they appoint?  How about if they start to tell the truth, not lie, for starters?)  Why don't those NBA and NFL athletes protest all the kids being murdered?  Again, I know, I know......  Maybe there are protests and they aren't publicized; but I sure haven't seen any.  Thugs and thug wanna-bes vs kids and babies?  We sure seem to have developed a strange set of values.

One of my former students sent me a link to an article explaining that Columbia Law School is allowing students to postpone final exams if they have been "traumatized" by the Brown/Garner events.  It was sent under the heading, "Why We Have Become a Nation of Wimps."  Reacting to the "trauma" in such a way will certainly ensure we make tough defense lawyers, prosecutors, and even judges.

And, watch what the Establishment Republicans are doing.  It's pretty much as I predicted a month or so back, even after the Republican sweep in November.  They have sold out on their principles, no doubt.  They'll wonder, too, what went wrong when voters abandon them in 2016.  They are Big Government proponents, just like the Democrats.  Their only difference is who is in charge.

I had a chuckle last week.  Someone said, "I can't quite figure out your politics."  Heh Heh......