Sunday, April 25, 2010


Sometimes, I wonder how some columnists get their jobs. I mean, c'mon, many of them either have no ideas or have rotten ones. This goes for the right and left, conservatives and liberals.

It used to be, at least I thought so, that the Left had a monopoly on good writers, at least those who were able to make cogent arguments in favor of their positions. Whether I agreed or disagreed was irrelevant. The pendulum has swung. Now, without question, the best writers are on the Right.

I mention a few of the very best--Thomas Sowell, Victor Davis Hansen, Walter Williams are nationally syndicated. They always make sound defenses of their positions and reasoned criticisms of their political and economic opponents. Locally, although they are on different sides, Ron Dzwonkowski (Free Press) and Nolan Finley (News) are thought-provoking, insightful, and reasonable. I may or may not agree with either of them on a particular issue, but I can't argue with their logic. That can't be said for many of the other locals....

Which leads me to repeat--how do these obviously lousy writers and thinkers get their writing jobs? Nepotism? Affirmative action or political correctness? Who do they know? It's not hard to figure out who they are--just read.

Of course, esp on the national level, it's good to read the likes of Bill Press, EJ Dionne, and Harrop Froma, among others. They are reminders of how vapid, empty of ideas their side is. Compared to Sowell, et al, they can't carry a candlestick. I guess I'm glad they are still picked up by the local papers once in a while. But I fully understand why the liberal radio shows can't make a buck and go under.

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