Saturday, April 17, 2010

Little League

I know far too many kids play far too many video games, watch far too many movies and television, etc. It's a shame that adults have to set up leagues, with rules that suit the adults, not the kids (for one, in baseball, allowing 9-year olds to steal bases!), in order to get kids to play. Yep, there's a lot to criticize.

But it's a lot of fun to work with these kids. I even hesitated to use the word "work." I really enjoy it. Oh, some are a pain in the neck, not listening, thinking they know everything. But most are just a lot of fun. And playing ball (or at least going through the motions!) is great.

Can anything be better than seeing the smile on a kid who, lacking some confidence, maybe facing another kid, instead of a coach or tee, pitching, gets a real hit? How about that kid who catches a ball cleanly and, without really thinking about it, throws to the right base--and then realizes he made the correct play? Today was fun....

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