Monday, April 26, 2010

Health Care

There was an interesting analysis of several states that have tried public option health care plans recently. Tenn, Maine, and Mass were highlighted. Two facts emerged. One, those covered by the plans fell far short of the goals. Two, the costs were far beyond those projected by the "experts."

Health care/coverage in these states fell in quality and in the numbers of those covered. And revenues designed to pay for this fell short in every instance. Worse, to pay for the public option, money was taken from the general fund, which put each of the states on the fast-track to bankruptcy. Tenn and Maine pretty much abandoned their plans to avoid bankrupting the states. Mass has been warned that, if it doesn't abandon its plan, it will go bankrupt.

It would be interesting to see how the federal elected officials in the House and Senate from these states voted on ObamaCare! I'm assuming it went straight party line. That, then, tells me something, that maybe some people aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.

The whole episode reminds me of the story of the do-gooder who was strolling past a lake and saw a man drowning. The do-gooder looked around for a life preserver to throw the drowning man, found one, and tossed it out there. When the thankful man grabbed it, the do-gooder then dropped the line, leaving the drownee out there alone again, and walked off to do another good deed.

BTW, have you read where one of the major drug store chains in Washington State is no longer filling either Medicare or Medicaid prescriptions. The cost isn't covered or payment isn't timely or whatever reason. Maybe a sign of things to come!?!?

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