Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Random Tue Eve Thoughts

Little League practices go well. The kids are trying hard. Whether or not they'll win many games is another question with an as of yet unknown answer. But, as those who know me, winning and losing the kids' games is the least of my concerns out there. I want them to realize they must practice/work hard to get better, to learn the game a bit, and to have fun. These are not at all mutually exclusive. Working hard at something, achieving a goal, can be fun and very rewarding. Bopper seems to be having fun and I have no complaints with his effort and hustle. He's helping to make it fun for me, too.

A co-worker had to leave class because her father-in-law was taken to the hospital earlier today. The prognosis from the phone call didn't seem good she said. I asked how old her father-in-law was and swallowed hard when she replied, "63." Gulp!

I was tired of political and sports talk on the radio on the drive home today so, for a change, I tried to find some music. I came across a Bob Dylan tune, Positively 4th Street, and listened to it. But, instead of singing along, I found myself listening and laughing, right out loud, to the words and what was passing as singing. Maybe I'm all wet, but I don't think he has/had much talent.

Speaking of hippy rock singers, who cares if Bruce Springsteen might have had an affair? I certainly don't. But, of course, I don't have a cell phone either.

I'm reading Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg now. It has much to debate, but much wisdom, too. It's not very readable, at least not to me, so I'll struggle through it. I read a good Imprimus article from Hillsdale College today, too. It was by A. McCarthy and was a good analysis of the legal treatment of prisoners of war, criminals, and terrorists. And, once again, the Obama administration has no sense of history or Constitutional meaning. I scanned an Atlantic article, too, lauding Sec Treas Geithner. It cited all his attributes/achievements, but didn't include tax cheating. It's hard to get all exciting about a guy who becomes a Cabinet member while, had any of us peons had done what he did, we'd be in jail or heavily fined. Which leads me to my brief additional post of today....

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