Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I had a nice long conversation with one of my college roommates last weekend. Among our humorous barbs and catching-up, we discussed, however briefly, the most influential book we've read. Wow, how to choose!?!?

I was a bit surprised and delighted to have him say, among others, Lincoln by Gore Vidal. yes, that's been a favorite of mine, too. There have been several of the books/biogs I've read about Lincoln I would rank pretty high, too. (I've read about 3 dozen.) I only half jokingly tell folks that when I get down about the way we are headed today, I grab a book about Abe and his determination, forthrightness, courage, vision, etc. all serve to revive my spirits.

Yes, there are lots of books that I think about long after I've read them. Some have changed the ways I've thought and acted. Again, they are many, many. And, I continue to read some of these important ones. I hope I never stop.

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