Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mow the Lawn

As I was out mowing the lawn, by hand, without a tractor or self-propelled mower, I noted several neighbors--on tractors--also cutting their grass. Now, all of them are considerably younger than I. And, other neighbors have hired landscapers to mow. All fine and dandy with me.

What upsets me is that, now with ObamaCare, I have to help pay their health insurance. They don't have to do anything, don't have to make any steps to staying healthy, yet, if they, as inevitably will happen, fall ill, who pays? I wouldn't mind, I guess, if they at least weren't so lethargic, did take steps to improve their health, etc. But, in my neighborhood, two of us mow the lawn my hand. All others, all of them, either have services or tractors.

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