Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sunday Columns

A pair of interesting, though divergent, columns in Sunday's newspapers. First, EJ Dionne wrote about how the IRS is our friend. He painted it as very sympathetic to our plight--all 23,000 pages of its laws and codes. I wonder if this is the journalistic equivalent of Joe Biden's "Paying taxes is patriotic." I wonder if Dionne has had any direct dealings with the IRS--or any government bureaucracy. If this was an April 1st column, I'd conclude it was a joke. Either that or Dionne is a fool.

Second, I often think Cal Thomas is a bit much. His column this Sunday include some of this. But, I think, his overall point was valid. Now, after cheering and championing the violent demonstrations of the Vietnam years, even now, the Left thinks the Tea Parties and other conservative protests are "dangerous," "extreme," "subversive," and you name it. Funny, as Thomas points out, how just four years ago Hillary Clinton was "sick and tired" of those who said protesting against government was "unpatriotic." I think, as usual, it's not the political philosophy that grates me, but the blatant hypocrisy. Another thing Thomas I think was good about was why some are protesting government programs, policies, and actions. They are "sick and tired" of government rewarding bad behavior. They are "sick and tired" of being called names (boy, isn't that one familiar!?!?) for suggesting some of the downtrodden (I might add "most?") are there because of their own actions and inactions.

Yes, for different reasons, both columns were well worth reading.

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