Friday, May 21, 2010

Here We Go Again

Sometimes I think about how tiresome it must seem (and sometimes is!) to constantly be critical, to rant and grouse. I remember words written by one of the Amherst professors, Henry Steele Commager, once the dean of US historians. He noted that the most important members of a society are its critics. I could go on to demonstrate how some of the greatest leaders this country and even the world have had followed this precept. Among them are Washington, Augustus, and, of course, Lincoln. But, back to the point.... I can't let people get away with what they are trying to do. It is like it was with the schools. Stupid stuff after stupid stuff, for the most part, unchallenged by the vast majority of teachers or the community. And see what's happened to our schools over the past 30-40 years??? Don't begin to try to convince anyone they are better now than they were then--you'll be a laughingstock.

The Mexican president comes here and lectures us on immigration, jobs, human rights, you name it. Now, this is America. People can say what they want. No doubt, this guy's asinine remarks might have played well at home. All that's fine and good. What I find galling is that the Democrats in Congress gave the guy a standing ovation!!!! Who are these fools? Are they that ignorant? Do they dislike the US that much? Every one of that bunch who stood and applauded deserves to get thrown out on his ear next election.

First, el presidente commented on our immigration policy, commented very critically. Hmmm... Shall we examine Mexican immigration laws? He was later interviewed by some CNN guy, hardly a bastion of America First. The questions were something like this: Do you have open borders, allowing anyone to come into Mexico? Of course not, was el presidente's reply. Do you require aliens to have the proper paperwork in your country. Well, of course. Can they come in and not contribute to taxes, but get all the benefits of citizenship? Certainly not. Hmmm.... And this boob is lecturing us????

Second, why is it that so many of his Mexicans feel the need to come to the US? What is it about Mexico that doesn't offer the same opportunities for success that we do? After all, if people in Mexico could get the things there that they can get here, why would they come, often imperiling their and their families' lives?

Third, this guy starts talking about oil and the need for a green economy. I wonder if he says that to his own people, when Mexico's economy is built, to a sizable extent, on oil, that is, selling oil to us.

OK, like I said, this guy has every right to say what he wants. This is America. Regardless of how stupid, hypocritical, etc. it is. He can say it.

But, first, why do these Congressional boobs stand for this stupidity, hypocrisy? Well, of course, we all know why--does an idiot, hypocrite critize himself???? Second, why doesn't our President stand up for us? Can it be he wants the unspeakable, to drag the US as we know it down? I say "unspeakable" because he doesn't come right out and say it, well, not often, but acts like it. I don't understand why more, even most, people aren't up in arms over this guy. Third, where is the media in all of this. I guess most of them are poorly educated, really not knowing their own history let alone that of Mexico and other countries.

Jefferson thought that the key to a strong, surviving democracy was education. Can it be, that after the boobs who have run education into the ground, we are so ignorant Jefferson's words are coming true, in an obverse sense?

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