Friday, September 24, 2010

The Apocalypse

Yet more signs that the Apocalypse is nearly upon us:

Is it true that a campaign ad for John Dingell is criticizing is Congressional opponent, Robert Steele, for being wealthy and, even worse, for how he earned his wealth. It surely can't be healthy to criticize someone for being successful, as long as the success was honestly earned. And Steele earned his money as a cardiologist, one who has performed thousands of cardiac catheterization procedures--you know, saving people's lives! Is this what it has come down to--class warfare? How can anyone, let alone a Congressman, criticize a doctor for making money? What is it, exactly, that members of Congress do to earn their money--and for more than 55 years? 55 years? Yep, that's how long Dingell has been leeching off the public teat!

I'm not certain, but I'll wager, if Dingell needed a life-saving heart operation, he wouldn't seek out a minimum-wage cardiolgist. I know I wouldn't. Great, now we are critical of those who are not only successful, but marvelously successful in a life-saving occupation!

And, mind you, this is the same Dingell who claimed credit for the ObamaCare bill, as an author, yet admitted on radio he hadn't read the entire bill. Then, one might ask, how did he write it? In fact, his answer was sneering, as if it was a stupid question, "Hey, did you even read that bill before you voted for it?" Yeah, I guess that is a stupid question. Dingell is one of those self-anointed elites, one who knows what's best for us better than we do ourselves. If anyone deserves to be bounced from office this Nov, he's right near the top.

And, the Democrats are using such ploys? Talk about hypocrisy and arrogance! I don't see them critical of their Hollywood-types for making a lot of money is something that is considerably less than life-saving. In fact, I might argue quite the opposite, but that's a topic for another post. And, of the ten wealthiest members of Congress, seven are Dems! What about them? (Of course, the hypocrisy reigns there, too. How many of those multi- multi-millionaires voluntarily give up much of their money--you know, to live like the rest of us!--to give to those they claim "need" it? Right, none of them. The arrogant hypocrites!) How about their President, the "community organizer?" His house is worth 30 or 40 times what mine is, yet (well, see the above).

I'm not against wealth, not at all, as long as it is gained legally and ethically. In fact, I like the idea of wealth for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is it's a measure of success.

And is it true the NCAA is going to allow college football teams with losing records (5-7) to go to bowl games? How fitting! Yep, the colleges are going the way of all of education: "Everybody's a winner!"

Why try? Why exert any energy, physically or mentally, if the laziest among us is rewarded equally?

It reminds me of a "discussion" I had with a woman a while back. She argued that everyone should "be equal." Her idea of "equality" was every has the same thing, like money, I guess. So, someone going out and getting, say, a college degree and three graduate degrees (any resemblance of that to me is purely intentional!), works at improving skills, etc. shouldn't be compensated any more than a lazy dreg who never completed high school (or has a high school degree courtesy of the milquetoast teachers who have no idea of what quality, rigorous education is)? Oh, I get it. There's more, but I am chasing the kids around this afternoon and they are both wound up.

1 comment:

dagnytaggert said...

The world seems upside down, when Steele, who has done everything right: Born locally, worked a UAW job, educated in state, started a business and employing in state, sending his kids to public school, saving lives demonized and the politician with millions earned off the backs of the citizens is glorified. Steele's going to need a lot of cash to fight the Detroit machine.