Friday, September 3, 2010

Just Some Lazy Thoughts

I saw quite a few students last week at a wedding. We shared some stories and had some laughs. I was flattered, I suppose, at the compliments I received, "best teacher ever," "favorite teacher," etc. That was nice of them to say so. But, although I'm not normally too concerned over these statements (although I don't mind getting them!), I was struck by two comments from former students, talking with me at different times, not together. Both are now teachers, higher education, and echoed each other's remarks. I've forgotten the exact words of one (LaBatts was on tap, which should explain my haziness), but the sentiment was the same as that expressed by the other. "I always thought you made things fun and interesting. But, now that I teach, I see what you were really trying to do. There's a method to your madness," she quipped. She added something else, even more flattering, but I hesitate to repeat it. Let's let it go at that.

I was reminded last week, too, at another social gathering (Karen and I are social butterflies yet again!), of something I almost never reveal. But I also laugh at it, esp when I consider what my Amherst schoolmates would think. I was whatever the graduate equivalent of Phi Beta Kappa is (I've forgottent the Greek letters, maybe the same?) and that, to me, is hilarious. I'm sure I know what my AC buddies would think!!!!! And, they'd be laughing, too--probably at me, not with me! And that's fine with me. I really don't take it too seriously.

Someone sent me a link to Forbes Mag's list of best colleges/universities in the nation. This study is unique in that it doesn't differentiate between small and larger colleges. Those dreaded Purple Cows got us again--the no. 1 position, followed by Princeton. Amherst was three, not too bad at all. (I'm kidding about Williams in first place. History seems to indicate the top three or four schools flip-flop places every year. AC has been #1 its fair share of times.) Amherst was ahead of Yale, Harvard, Stanford, MIT, etc. I am usually skeptical of such ratings, e.g. the "best" high schools in the US based on the number of students who take AP tests relative to the school enrollment--not how well the students do, just those who take them!!!! What kind of measurement is that?!?! But knowing AC and its demands and rigors, its workload, the quality expected of students, the brilliant teachers (at least they were when I was there!) and schoolmates (osmosis?), I know Amherst provided and, very likely still does, a top-flight education. I know graduate school for me was embarrasingly easy and I've had other AC folks tell me med school, law school, business school (at the best places in the country) weren't as rigorous as our undergrad courses. Nobody who wasn't there believes that, but I think it's true. That said, how very humbling it is for me to consider I went there and graduated from Amherst. I thank my lucky stars daily for that.

Gotta run.... The girls decided, as a reward for all their walking and biking this summer, I should take them out for lunch and drinks. Fine with fact, a great idea!!!!


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