Saturday, September 25, 2010


Two matters: Regarding my recent post about the three wealthiest members of Congress being Dems, not Reps, check out Michelle Malkin's column yesterday. She asks a lot of embarrassing questions, well, embarrassing to Joe Biden, Chris Dodd, and even the President. Of course, the questions are embarrassing only if they become public. Why doesn't the mainstream media pick up on this? It's not that these guys have accumulated a great deal of wealth or even how they did so. Those might be interesting stories in themselves. The key here is their hypocrisy, how they continually criticize the "greedy" rich, the Republicans as the "party of the wealthy," etc., yet live very much unlike how they preach. I'm betting a lot of people would buy a lot of papers and magazines that could dig into that!!!! No, I'm not holding my breath.

How about academia? Those high-minded, principled educators are once again proving to be first-class hypocrites. See Cal Thomas' Fri column (and, those of you who know me, are aware Thomas isn't my favorite). It's very good. The federal DoE is attempting to force curricula, ideas, etc. on the colleges and universities. Not a peep from the overwhelming majority of college administrators and professors, nary a one. Imagine if W had tried this!!!! Oh, the cries of "Academic Freedom!" are hurting my ears. Remember the MSU professor who had the temerity to criticize the Islamists? Try being the one or two conservative professors at U of M or Harvard or Yale or Berkley. Oh, can you say, "Ward Churchill?"

Oh, while I'm at it.... I've certainly been lucky enough to have my own share of personal successes over my lifetime. I won't go into them here, but I've had the good fortune to be very successful at things I've done, won things, experienced things, etc. that the vast majority of people never do. That's not really the point. (In fact, I find them, most often, very humbling.) But we forever give people things they don't deserve. Oh, it can be grades, accolades (note the ubiquitous use of the term "classic"), etc. What has me worked up are several recent elections (or appointments?) to several halls of fame or things of that ilk. I have seen the lists of members and most don't belong anywhere near a hall of fame. Also note a recent magazine cover, citing a "beloved" actress, one who I never heard of! (Maybe that says more about me than others?) What was it Groucho Marx once said, "I wouldn't belong to a club that would have me for a member." (I think he also said, "I was married by a judge; I should have asked for a jury." How great are those!!!!)

Out to write....

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