Saturday, September 11, 2010

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin is really very good. She really nails this one.

Meanwhile, the major media just cave in. The Free Press, of course, and even the News kowtow to the likes of Victor Begg, Richard Nodel, and Imam Ali Sharia (or whatever his name is), allowing them to insist on Islam as "the religion of peace." Where is their concern, their protests, even any articles condemning all of the violence being wrongly (so they insist) committed in the name of their "religion of peace?" Where is their condemnation of the treatment of women, the use of children and handicapped persons as human bombs, even the beheading of Daniel Pearl and others????? Then, their silence is deafening, isn't it? I know I'm being insensitive, bigoted, racist, and all those other perjorative descriptions, but "it is what it is."

Hey, speaking of "insensitive...." OK, I believe that the Constitution, US and local laws, and our principles permit a mosque to be built near ground zero. Now, I don't think it should be for several reasons. One, what is the message being sent to the Muslim world? What wonderful propaganda fodder for the Islamists! Two, what about this "religion of peace?" Shouldn't it have some concern over the sensitivity of the 911 attacks, if it is, indeed, "the religion of peace?" And, how about those Americans who are pooh-poohing the "sensitivity" thing? Where do you think they might stand, for instance, on the waving of a Confederate flag at a civil rights march, as just one example? Right....

Now, I'm not at all in favor of waving the CSA flag anywhere nor the construction of the mosque. I believe the Constitution protects the rights to do both. But, just because we can do something, doesn't mean we should. In both cases, concern for other people, their struggles and beliefs, should be enough to prevent them.

But, hey, what do I know????

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