Friday, October 7, 2011


Interesting that GM workers receive a $5000 bonus for merely signing the new contract, yet I haven't heard the "G" word thrown their way. Nobody has, as far as I know, called them "greedy." I'm not saying they are. I'm not saying they shouldn't get it or take it. I'm just asking why they aren't being called "greedy" when practically everyone else (except those who take "free" government money) who makes some money is called "greedy." This becomes a bit more troublesome when other factors are considered. Has GM paid back the money taxpayers, er, gov't gave it? BTW, with that "loan," what interest rate was that again? And, what about all the stockholders and bondholders who got the fickey-doo, losing their investments/money? Well, at least we can't call them "greedy!" I'll bet GM could sell a lot more cars if it lowered prices on them, using, say, all those $5000 bonuses to lower prices instead. Oh, but I forgot--the GM workers "deserve" the bonuses.

How about those Wall Street protestors? And, aren't there similar protests scheduled for other cities? Gee, it would be great to join them if only the rest of us didn't have to go to work, you know, make money. I wonder where the protestors are getting their money? They are obviously not at work. Could they be getting gov't money, free money, from those who actually are working? Perhaps I'm being a bit harsh here. After all, the protestors "deserve" other people's money. BTW, how, again, are these guys different from the Tea Parties? I mean, how different other than the Tea Partiers aren't taking other people's property? How great to be able to be selectively indignant and outraged! I guess that's another way of say "hypocritical."

Out to research....


guslaruffa said...

I have mixed feelings about this Wall Street protesting. I think it is good that people are getting off their butts and decalaring something. Although, their solutions are not all that good. What it should bring to the forfront is how the government in constantly affected by Political Action committes.
As far as GM, the government should have let that flaming turd of a company go under. Nobody EVER talks about how many suppliers and people with stock and pensions were crushed by this action. They wer in trouble because their car were pieces of shit that nobody wanted. Poor style and poor quality = no sales!

guslaruffa said...

Sorry, I guess I should do a better job of proof reading before I make comments about quality :)

Ron Marinucci said...

Oh, I like that people are involved. It's their motives that I question. What is it that they really want? I guess I don't have any problem with "Wall Street greed," any more than I do with the gas stations charging 9 cents a gallon more for credit purchases, Subway cranking up sandwich prices by 10% or more, GM hourly workers getting a $5000 bonus, professional athletes and the Hollywood-types making millions for mediocre products, etc. My problems lie with two things. One is the dishonesty, which is different from greed. The other is government involvement. Gov't doesn't do what it should do--police the dishonesty--and does what it shouldn't--take the Wall St money. I'm always curious at those who rail against Wall St while their investments, pensions, etc. are dependent upon successful Wall St transactions. Teachers are this way, always anti-Wall St and anti-big oil while their pensions are heavily invested in both.