Saturday, December 1, 2012

Electoral College

There was a good op-ed piece in the newspaper by a columnist from the Washington Post.  It was good because it once again demonstrated the situation ethics/principles of many progressives.  First, the guy used the results of the Electoral College to claim that Americans want the federal government to do what Obama is doing.  He pointed to the 332-206 Obama margin, if not a landslide, then at least a sizable win.  How convenient to use the Electoral College results this way!  That 100+ vote margin shows what the vast majority of Americans want.  Gee, these progressives were whistling a far different tune in 2000 when their guy, Algore, won the popular vote, but lost in the Electoral College.  Yep, it was a far different tune back then.  And, how convenient to ignore the popular vote this time, the difference less than 2%!  Hmmmm.... That's a majority, but hardly a significant one.

And, I know what people will say when I write this (oh, how I know!).  I am not at all convinced the election was tainted by fraud, a lot of it.  Logic tells me that suburban precincts in Ohio, in Virginia, and elsewhere did not vote 100% for Obama, as reported.  You mean, Romney didn't get a single vote in some suburban settings?  I'll never believe that.  And how odd the screams about voter fraud were deafening in 2000.  I'm not saying Obama wouldn't have won anyway; I don't know.  I am saying I fully believe there was fraud.  Of course, I can't prove it.

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