Sunday, December 30, 2012


Is it Sunday again, already?  Wasn't it just Sunday?  Of course, last Tue (Chris Day) seemed like Sun.  And every other day seemed like Sat.

Yesterday was the Codester's birthday.  Is he four years old already??????  It was so great watching his excitement, both yesterday and on Chris AM, while he opened presents.  And Ash had me color with her with the crayons and coloring set (among other things that Uncle Matt gave her from Las Vegas).  The only thing about the crayons is, with so many colors (150 of them!), how to choose?  (I'll add another job I want in my next life, the one who chooses names for colors of crayons, like the guy who picks flavors of yogurt, salad dressing, etc.)  And Bopper and I went through his tons of baseball card cartons--and one football one.  There were quite a few cards of old playes, Mel Ott, Christy Matthewson, Jim Brown, etc.

What a downer for President Obama!  It must be.  His historic re-election is relegated to a spot far down the list of significant events of 2012.  One list had the re-election at about five or so, after the mass shootings, NYC storm, the "fiscal cliff" (Isn't that term grating?), and a couple of others.  For such a narcissist, it must be torture.

I will admit, as much as I dislike his policies and philosophies (not to mention his hypocrisy), Obama must have some brilliant advisers.  Congressional Republicans are always on their heals, always backing away from the pitch that curves over the plate for a strike.  That the President hasn't submitted a reasonable budget in several years (even the Democrat-controlled Senate rejected most of them unanimously) is overlooked and fingers are pointed at the Republicans in the House.  Of course, perhaps it's just that the Republicans are Bozos......

I've sent this along to several folks, who expressed a bit of astonishment.  If the fiscal cliff is not averted, K and I will likely pay several thousand dollars in more federal taxes.  I'm not sure exactly how much.  Different tables show between $2000 and $3000 and as much as $5000 more--and we don't bring home very much (certainly not six figures).  I admitted I'd be willing to swallow the increased taxes, conditionally.  (Of course, with the Bozos running DC, "willing" isn't a choice, is it?)  First, I'd like to see across-the-board spending cuts of at least 5% in the federal government.  C'mon, how much did the Obamas spend on Chris decorations and celebrations?  The military can't find 5% or more to cut from its inflated budget of hundreds-of-dollars screwdrivers, hammers, and toilet seats?  Federal bureaucrats and politicians can't take a 5% pay cut?  (K has been cut far more than that over the past several years and I haven't had a pay increase at one of the colleges in about 10-12 years.)  Second, the increased revenues must go to paying off the debt.  The current taxes can go toward running the government programs.  Extra, from the "cliff," pays down what is owed.  Of course, the Bozos still spend more than they take in, so will that do any good?  I don't know....  The figures are staggering.

I see MSU pulled out a bowl victory, whatever bowl it was.  I didn't follow very closely and I didn't watch the game--it started around 11 PM here. 

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