Monday, December 17, 2012

Politics, Not Economics

As if the hypocrites in Lansing needed anything to show that they are, well, hypocrites consider this.

The state legislature and governor rushed through the "right-to-work" law.  One of their reasons was to "follow through" on the Nov. 6 "mandate" of the people in defeating the "collective bargaining" proposition.  In other words, the legislature was merely following the wishes of the people, as indicated in the election.

So, then, why did these same people rush through an emergency manager law?  The voters, on Nov. 6, shot down the old emergency manager legislation by rejecting that proposition.  Hmmmmmm......

Apparently there is a bit of a disconnection in deciphering the "people's will."  And who said, "We are doing this for Michigan."  No, no...politics had nothing to do with either piece of legislation.

And, remember, this is a lame duck session.  Why do they never seem to be in any kind of a rush during the rest of the year?  As I said before, a pox on both of their houses.  Throw all the bums out!

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