Friday, April 19, 2013


Is this April, with more than half of the month over?  It's 39 degrees here right now, with a very strong wind blowing.  Tonight and tomorrow are due to be just as cold.  Brrrrrr......

Yesterday was "Tax Day."  So, today we, yes we, actually get to spend our own money.  The average American worked until April 18 to pay taxes for the year.  Now, the rest belongs to us...maybe.  "Tax Day" came five days later this year.  That's not good. 

I see Max Baucus, the US Senator from Montana, in a Senate Committee meeting said, "I see a train wreck coming" with ObamaCare.  Hmmm......  Wasn't Baucus one of the biggest supporters of ObamaCare?  Yep.  Wasn't he one of the ones I heard on the radio who admitted he never read the bill?  Yep.  Yet now he "see[s] a train wreck coming?"  Except for the fact that we elected these Bozos, I'd say we deserve better. 

Regarding all the media coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing, I am reminded of one thing: "Dewey Defeats Truman."

President Obama the other day was angry.  I heard him on the radio, vehemently saying, "[The NRA] told willful lies" about the gun control legislation that didn't get out of the Senate.  Yet, in this same rant, he told a couple of little white lies himself, didn't he?  Do "the vast majority of Americans" support more intense background checks of firearm purchasers?  I don't think any of the polls show that; again, I might be mistaken, but I don't remember any.  And what about the "willful lies" the President has told over the course of the previous five or more years?  It's interesting that he criticized lobbyists in this, in that they supposedly influenced Senators' votes.  No kidding, but who has closer ties to lobbyists than Obama?  It's interesting that he claimed, since "the vast majority of Americans" desire greater background checks, their "elected representatives aren't representing them very well!"  Gee, a sizable majority of Americans have always opposed ObamaCare, but their "elected representatives" passed it anyway.  What's the different with that??????

He also used an argument I usually find quite disingenuous.  He said, "...if even one life is saved," as if that is a valid reason for passing the gun control legislation.  That, "if even..." doesn't fly with me.  Of course, I'd love to see no deaths from weapons.  But that's not my point.  Why don't we return to the 55 mph speed limits on freeways?  We certainly know the lower speed limits save lives--we've known that for a long time, so why don't we revert to the lower limits?  Of course we know why.  Our time and money are more valuable than the lives we'd save.  Why don't we completely ban cell phone usage while driving?  For that matter, why don't we wait until age 20 or 21 to issue drivers' licenses?  After all, "if even...?"  So, unless we really mean that, let's refrain from using it.

And I realize sometimes I'm piling on with President Obama, but....  What was he thinking when speaking in Boston, "They [the bombers] picked the wrong city."  Now, I think I know what he meant (at least I hope that's what he meant), but that's not what he said.  "They picked the wrong city" implies that there was a right city.  Piling on?  Maybe, but this is, at least according to the Bobbleheads, the most intelligent President since Jefferson.  The Bobbleheads also claim he's the most eloquent speaker, which, of course, leads me to believe these sycophants know nothing of Abraham Lincoln.  Piling on?  I don't think so.

What really galls me is that, other than many of the more extreme conservatives who have (rightly or wrongly) lost credibility, nobody calls him on this or on anything. 

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