Friday, April 12, 2013


A local school district has shown again education's hypocrisy regarding "diversity."  Apparently some students raised money to bring in Rick Santorum, a quite conservative politico.  I am no fan of Santorum, although I see many worse pols out there.

I guess the principal/superintendent (maybe both) cancelled the speaking engagement.  And, of course, we know why.  Oh, of course, they had their reasons.  (I almost used the word "rationale," but opted against it because there was nothing "rational" about their original cancellation.)  These reasons seem to me to be quite "lame," if not outright silly.  And, certainly I'm sure they wouldn't be applied to other, more acceptable speakers.

I guess I misunderstood the diversity crowd.  I thought diversity meant to "accept and respect all people and all views."  I forgot, "all" doesn't really mean "all."  It means the ones the diversity crowd want others to "accept and respect."

Eventually, the kids at the high school will be allowed to hear the speaker--if they bring a permission slip from their parents.  What?  Gee, I wonder if the President came students would be required to have parental permission.  He has some pretty far out there views, quite controversial.  (How did you like his talk the other day, when he insisted he has decreased the deficit?  Talk about "new math......") I wonder if Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton (I can't ever forgot, when Arizona passed its immigration law, he wanted a boycott of Arizona Iced Tea--which is actually made and marketed in New York!), and others of their ilk.  No, I don't wonder.  They bring in folks to talk to high school kids about abortion and birth control..... The diversity folks are hypocrites.  Only their sorts of "diversity" are embraced.  Those ideas they don't like are not "acceptable."

And I strongly suspect, what happened at this school district is the norm rather than the exception.  I know the sort of people who run our schools.

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