Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wed Thoughts

I wonder what's really behind all this Benghazi stuff.  It seems there is something rotten in Denmark.  I don't know any specifics, but what is it some folks say about passing the "smell test?"  And perhaps I can have my memory jogged:  Were the LameStream Media as silent with Watergate?

Speaking of the LameStreams, where were they with the incredible politics, even reckless and dangerous, being played with the sequester/fiscal cliff?  There was no reason, none at all, to delay air flights by cutting back on air traffic controllers.  It was politics, pure and simple, and something that potentially could have put Americans' lives in danger.  But apparently that is of no concern to those in the current administration. How many in FAA and TSA management/administration were "furoughed?"  Right.  And the sequester didn't cut anyone's funds.  All it did was cut the increases.  There is still more money being spent, just not as much as the spendaholics wanted to spend--you know, spending other people's money.

I sometimes wonder about our educational system.  For instance, our so-called idea makers, including newspaper editors have recently urged the state legislature to establish the ObamaCare health markets or exchanges.  The argument is that the feds have promised to pay all or most of the costs of Medicare for the next half dozen or more years. First, does anyone trust the feds, that is, that they will honor their "promise?"  Second, the argument that the state will "save money" is specious, at best.  Where doe these editors think the federal money originates, on trees in the backyard?  Federal spending or state spending--it all comes from taxpayers.  ??????

It's interesting to see former educational leaders (and I'm using that term very loosely) now clamoring for more reforms because the system is worse now than before.  Hey, weren't these the same guys who put in the disastrous programs and policies like No Child Left Behind?  So, they made a bigger mess of things and now want us to do more of what they want to do?  I don't remember the exact words, but back in the day, every one of my administrators/principals said something like, "Let's not cast blame...."  Well, why not?  How are we to know who not to trust, who not to let make more lousy decisions if we don't "cast blame?"  Fools.....

Out to do a radio interview at 12:30....


Grant said...

I think the only thing behind the Benghazi stuff is conservative media and politicians continually looking for a smoking gun that doesn't exist. At this point, Congress has held nine hearings and has yet to find any damning evidence of a cover-up or anything sinister. Yes, there was a screw-up and people got killed. That's the whole story. During the Bush administration, there were 54 attacks on diplomatic targets that killed 13 Americans and that only garnered 3 hearings and none of the outrage that we are seeing now. The 'LameStream Media' is silent because THERE IS NOTHING THERE!

Why is there no outrage against the Republicans who voted in 2011 against funding for worldwide security protection and upgrades?

Ron Marinucci said...

Remember, I am no shill for the Republicans, George Bush, etc. I hold them equally culpable. I certainly disagree that "there is nothing there!" That a bunch of incompetents in Congress hold hearings doesn't answer anything. No "cover-up?" What about the incredibly lame excuse that the attack was precipitated by some YouTube video? BTW, that guy is still in jail--on a parole violation! And what about Susan Rice? Either she lied or was lied to or she is an incredibly stupid person.

Ron Marinucci said...

BTW, there is no outrage for the same reason there is no outrage over our kids being killed in the inner cities, over the deteriorating schools, over many other things that deserve outrage. Dancing with the Stars and American Idol are winding down. The NBA and Stanley Cup playoffs are in full-stride. "Breaking News" pops up in Cleveland, Phoenix, and who knows where next.

Grant said...

I guess where I disagree is that I think the facts are out there. People screwed up big time. We did not have the resources in place to do anything when the attack happened. Gregory Hicks, who has been extremely critical of the administration response, testified that he believes the decision not to send the 4 special forces troops came from the military:

"REP. ROBIN KELLY: You said that four military personnel were told not to the board that plane and that this call came from Special Operations Command Africa. Is that right?

HICKS: That's what I understand."

The lame excuse about the youtube video was exactly what it appears to be, a politically motivated attempt to hide responsibility. I don't see a vast cover-up. It all seems pretty obvious to me.

As for why there is no outrage, we live in a time when human-life has been deemed only somewhat important. It is certainly for many less of a priority than profit. Why has there been no outrage over the explosion at the fertilizer plant in Texas? That killed more people than Benghazi and the Boston Marathon bombing combined. We continually allow major oil and gas companies, Monsanto, mining companies ... to pollute the water and air and slowly kill us all in the name of $$$. Studies have now shown linkages between Round-Up and Parkinsons, cancer and infertility yet we allow the sales to continue unabated. Our government (and I certainly mean both (as if they are actually different) sides), have become beholden to the corporate interests that finance their campaigns and have relegated serving the people to the dustbin.

And, to add to the misery, we here in the US continue to kvetch a bit about our deaths due to terrorism while our own government continues to carry out illegal drone bombings of anyone they feel like without any oversight or outrage from the populace. Nothing (to me) makes a better argument about the low value we place on human life than this:

And Obama is the worst of all but I can't think that Romney would be any different because that would make me extremely naive.