Thursday, December 19, 2013


It just dawned on me this AM.  The bill passed by the House of Representatives included the cuts to military veterans' pensions.  The cuts could have been stopped/eliminated right then and there.  Hmmm......  Who controls the House?  It think it's the Speaker.  And, who's the Speaker?  Oh, it's John Boehner.  Yep, Boehner could have given the veteran pensioners what they had coming.  But, he didn't.  I guess maybe he was too busy criticizing members of his own party to realize what is in the Ryan/Murray scam--or, as a former Speaker infamously said, "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it."

Democrats or Establishment Republicans (and when I use that term, it's not complimentary), it doesn't matter.  They are both wrong for this country.

Again, where's my Third Party to rescue us??????  That is, if anyone cares.

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