Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Is It Time?

Abraham Lincoln, in all of his wisdom, once suggested that once people figure out that their government is not constrained by the laws, they will conclude that neither are they.

Perhaps some have already figured this.

Our government has conferred benefits on people and groups it favors and has used its authority to punish or at least deter its enemies.  It has broken the law, many times over.

I'm not just talking about Obama, although this has reached outlandish heights the past five years.

Need proof?  The President and his supporters, in the face of criticism of ObamaCare, have repeatedly said, "It's settled law."  Now, we'll ignore the open ignorance of American history here (laws that have been passed and then repealed).  But ObamaCare isn't "settled law."  The President, in unconstitutional action after unconstitutional action, has changed the law again and again.  How can a President unilaterally change a Congressionally enacted piece of legislation so that, essentially, it's not the same law?  He can do it because Congress lets him.  He can do it because the Supremes let him.  He can do it because the LameStream media are in the tank for him.  He can do it because Americans are too comfortable; they are far more concerned with American Idol, the NFL, etc.  (I will concede that our politicians take no backseat to the Romans in offering "bread and circuses.")

I won't go into either, but check out the "Dream Act" (illegal immigration) and the actions of the IRS (and anyone who believes it was mid-level IRS agents in Cincinnati instead of orders from the White House must still believe the moon is made of green cheese).  And there are more examples.

At least the outrage--in Congress, within the courts, among the US populace--over FDR's blatant attempt to undo the checks and balances principle of the US constitutional system made him retreat.  But today there is no reaction.  Not only is this President acting unconstitutionally, he's also acting detrimentally.  And he has plenty of aiders and abettors.

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