Thursday, December 12, 2013

"Storm Brewing...."

That was the news headline.  Then listening to the weather report, it appears the "storm" will drop an inch or two overnight tomorrow and maybe another inch during the next day.  When did three inches of snow begin to constitute a storm?

A couple days ago, I asked some guys, with all of this cold weather, where is Algore when we need him? One guy chuckled, "Counting his money."  Another suggested he's made $100 million with this global warming scam.  Isn't that more than Bernie Madoff made?  I don't know.

Let's see if I have this straight.  The Ryan/Murray budget deal allows Congress to increase spending, including funding on ObamaCare.  Revenue will be raised--that is, taxes--to pay for the increased spending. The deficit will go up for the next few years, at least.  The sequester is kaput and the 2011 deal that required a one dollar cut in spending for every new borrowed dollar is history.  In return, somewhere up the road--eight or ten years, when many of these bozos will no longer be in office--Congress agrees it will reduce spending, cutting the deficit.  Is that it?  And we're supposed to believe Congress will slice spending, instead of once again negotiating another kick the can down the road deal?

Shame on Paul Ryan.  For such a smart guy, how can he fall into this Democrat trap yet again?  Rubio did with immigration and the gang of eight or however many it was.  That's how the Dems win all of the time; they make promises they have no intention of keeping.  The Republicans are dumb enough to believe them again and again.

And, if I have this right, the deal is good because Reps can eliminate the controversy over the budget and any possible shutdown.  Oh, although it's the Dems who force the shutdowns, the Reps are blamed and the Lamestream media swallow the bait, hook, line, and sinker.  But with the Ryan/Murray deal, the Reps can focuse in 2014 on talking about ObamaCare.  Hmmm......  Is that all the Reps plan to do, talk?  If they were really concerned about the harm ObamaCare is doing to millions of Americans--now and in the not too distant future--shouldn't they stop talking and do something right now?  Why not submit a budget that defunds ObamaCare.  Let the Dems vote not or Obama veto.  Then the target is on the backs of the Dems and Obama, with what?, about 60% of Americans opposed to ObamaCare.  But no, the Reps want to talk.

And did you hear that sanctimonious Boehner today, ripping the critics of the budget deal?  He boasts that he came to DC to cut spending, to reduce the deficit. Yeah, right.  How many campaign promises with that has he broken?  Yet, he has the temerity to find these critics, "despicable" (I think that's the word he used). But dishonesty, lying, breaking promises aren't "despicable?"  Oh, I forgot.  Honesty (and a respectful shame) is no longer a virtue among establishment Republicans and, of course, most Democrats.

Where, oh where, is my third party to relieve us of these boobs??????

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