Monday, December 9, 2013


The past few days I've been bouncing around in my mind an interesting concept.  Have we been "poisoned" the past few decades?

I don't mean physically poisoned, where we become ill or worse.  But have our minds been poisoned?  That is, have we been led to believe ideas that have caused us to become less than we were?

For instance, has the welfare state created much of the malaise now affecting the US?  Of course, if one thinks there is no malaise, then there is no discussion.  But I think there is and that there is ample evidence to support that.

Look at ourselves, out culture, our values.  Look at our cities.  Look at our governments, all levels, and the politicians who run them.  Are we at the point of no return?

Has the welfare mentality become so pervasive that some people consider welfare a right, something that they deserve?  Certainly there are people who need help and they should get it.  But a conversation last weekend is revealing.  A friend asked me, in context, "Why do they [those getting welfare payments] keep having kids?"  Now, of course, many welfare folks don't have lots and lots of kids.  But many do and my friend wanted to know why in light of, well, having lots of kids.  My answer was, "Because they get more money with each kid."  Now, these parents don't get paid, per se, but do get more in food stamps, housing credits, etc.  And the amount can vary upward depending on the state of residence.  Perhaps here I'm being far too general, but I think this happens far too often.

Have the media and education establishment poisoned Americans to think the government--at whatever level--is best for running things, including our lives?  Do most people think that the politicians and bureaucrats in government make things better, in spite of the realities/facts?

Have things been so dumbed-down that we have come to accept as "classic," "superior," etc. things which are, in fact, quite mediocre?

That is, have Americans been mentally poisoned so that they have come to accept things that they shouldn't accept?

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