Friday, November 27, 2009

The Apocalypse

Further evidence that the Apocalypse is nearly upon us:

On a sign promoting an upcoming event--"Coming Dec 5-6, Christmas Bizarre." Now, isn't that bazaar, I mean, "bizarre?"

Modern Colleges

Here we go again, insisting that college educations are crucial to the coming generations. But, then, we try so very hard to make getting a college education so very easy. Let's do a four-year degree in three years--or two or even one, say some radio ads. Let's do online "virtual" courses. Let's let high school kids get college credit. And on and on....

Now there might well be some good online courses. But it seems to me that, although students should be able to take some of them, overall, they need to have personal confrontation with a professor/instructor. I keep going back to teachers in my bldg all taking the same online course and, meeting several times a week, then doing their work together.

If a college education is being "dumbed down" (and I can't imagine anyone, anywhere arguing it isn't), why is it so important, vital? Instead of colleges and universities, shouldn't we just expand high schools for another couple of years? It would be cheaper (a much more important factor than "it's for the kids") and colleges/universities wouldn't be further degraded (dumbed down).

Surely, no one will listen to that. After all, the "education-types" are in charge.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Couple Items

First, did you hear the interview with a US Senator, I think she's from Fla, with Stephanopoulos over the weekend? He asked her a question about the Senate health bill and she pooh-poohed it, saying no, that's not true, that's not the case. But, he said, holding up a copy of he bill, he was reading directly from the bill. No, she insisted, that's not true. But it's in the bill!?!?! I guess if you lie and deny enough, it becomes the truth? And, of course, we have now turned callling someone a "liar" into a politically incorrect no-no.

Second, did you hear BO talk about Geitner and the work at the Treasury Dept? If it wasn't so serious, it would be laughable, very laughable. BO said he, Geitner, and the Treas Dept couldn't and wouldn't sit back on their laurels, that there was still work to be done. Huh? What laurels? What has been accomplished? What jobs have been saved, with the unemployment rate up to 11% or more nationally and, in Michigan, almost dbld since BO took office? Of course, the White House just makes up numbers and the dutiful media just fall into place, lapping up the information, accurate or not. Sort of like the local newspapers just accepting the word of school districts that everything is just great, that students are learning, etc, despite the fact that student don't know very much (again, have you counted your change at McD's lately?).

Third, I'm just wondering, from out of nowhere, how many more BO appts are tax cheats. No, no, I don't want to hear, "But Bush...." That's one of the stupidest things someone can say to back/support BO and his inept "czars" and other appts. It's like saying, in response to Hitler's numbers of mass murders, "But Stalin and Mao...."

Fourth, in class today, I noted the Detroit Women's League, an org founded in 1930 to help promote doing business with Depression Era black business. The women, started by a handful of Detroiters and spreading to a number of US cities, advocated and promoted buying from businesses that were black-owned, hired black youths, etc. It saved a number of black businesses from bankruptcy in the '30s. One of my students stuttered, something about "racism." I didn't hear the whole thing, but he said "just helping black businesses" was racist. I merely said, "But, then, what whites were going to help the blacks?" He was nonplussed and I was able to move on.

Fifth, a WB org is trying to get people to donate $1 a day to help WB schools keep programs being cut due to state aid reductions. Fine and good, but isn't this a voluntary tax? What pressures are being put on people to give? I guess I don't have a problem with this since it is voluntary except isn't this a band-aid on a gash? What happens next year? The temporary fix allows the schools to avoid the structural changes needed. And, my guess is any reasonable person, not associated with the schools, could walk in and find numerous cost savings, savings that would reach into the 6- and 7-figures. Oh, "but it's for the kids." Yeah, right..... Say something long enough and loud enough and people fall for it as the truth.

Sixth, along the same lines, how about "Climategate?" The purloined or whistle-blower e-mails and memos do a great deal to blow holes in the man-made warming arguments. Who can we trust any more???

Monday, November 23, 2009

US Senators

I wrote to the two US Senators from Michigan, Levin and Stabenow, last week. I voiced my extreme opposition to the Senate health care bill, urging their no votes. I indicated that I was exasperated with the current Congress and Administration and their frenzied pace of deleterious legislation. I noted I would vote against them and urge others to do so if they voted aye. Let this be step one on my promise to actively oppose their re-election.

To the two or three of you who might actually read this, I urge you to strong oppose the re-election of the two US Senators from Michigan, Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow, in their bids for re-election (although they are several years up the road). I won't forget their inane actions and blind support for the craziness coming out of Washington and I hope you don't either. Let's take back "government of the people, by the people, and for the people" by voting them out of office, replacing them with those who will respect the Constitution and the principle of limited government.


Some thoughts on moving KSM's trial to NYC. I'm not so concerned about the safety of citizens of NYC; if there are dangers, there are dangers. That's not to say there might not be legitimate concerns. I just don't think moving the trial there heightens them.

But I am concerned with several other things. First, the Attorney-General, Eric Holder (who appears to me to be out of his league, but that's just me), said KSM will be tried, convicted, and be given the death sentence. Now, is this typical prosecutor's bravado? Or, does this make a sham out of the legal system, the one we are holding up as a paragon by trying KSM in it rather than a military tribunal? Doesn't this make the presumption of innocence a bit suspicious here? And why should KSM be presumed innocent when, in the face of the IRS, I (and other US citizens) am presumed guilty--and can't win in court?

Second, will there be defense motions for all sorts of documents, including classified ones, that might aid and abet terrorists? The 1993 WTC bombing resulted in a couple hundred names on a list, names our intelligence agencies had identified with terrorist groups, a list that was made public and, without doubt, found its way into the hands of terrorist groups. Surely that helped the terrorists.

Third, a local columnist likened the KSM trial to those in Nuremburg in WW2. He noted that those trials didn't seem to rock the world, continue to give voice to Nazi propaganda, etc. Well, I think he missed out a bit on HIS 152--the Nuremburg Trials weren't civilian trials, not at all. Hmmm.... No need to emphasize history in the schools, nope.

Fourth, what if, just if, KSM is found not guilty or has the trial dismissed on some legal technicality? (Let's not consider if, during war, Miranda rights, for instance, must be given.) Would KSM be allowed to go free? Highly unlikely that he would. What does that say about a "fair trial?" And what would Americans think about their judicial system, already one that is raising doubts?

Fifth, why does KSM get a civilian trial, yet one of the masterminds of the USS Cole attack remain with a military tribunal? What is the difference?

Sixth, if, as Holder says, KSM is to be convicted and executed, where are the opponents of capital punishment? Why are they so silent? Are they waiting for a trial, conviction, and sentence? They don't wait in other instances....

As the Doobies sang, "I ain't blind and I don't like what I think I see."

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Oops! Hip or Knee Replacement?

Talk about a slip, Freudian or otherwise!

A federal gov't task force this week announced that mammograms weren't really necessary until age 50, that they were either a waste of time and money or, worse, could have debilitating effects on recipients. Yeah, sure.

The number of women between 50 and 60 who are saved is 1 of every 1300 or so mammograms. Those between 40 and 40 are only, ha, only, 1 of every 1900. Tell that to the women whose lives were saved.

Of course, the foolishness of that had to be countered. K Sibelius (with the personality and charisma of a small soap dish, how did she get so far in politics?) quickly said, well, that's not the official gov't position. Could she have said this with less emotion, less conviction? I think that small soap dish could have shown a bit more life.

More important, this slip lets something else out. What if the single-payer, fed gov't health care becomes law? Will this gov't panels findings then allow the fed gov't to deny mammograms to women under 50? Don't chuckle and say, "How ridiculous!?!? That won't ever happen." No? Do some research, say, in Washington state. A similar panel makes decisions for Medicaid holders. Hip replacement surgery, arthroscopic knee surgery, among other procedures are no longer covered as being "too expensive," "not worthwhile," etc. Want to do some more research? Check similar situtations in Massachusetts, Kentucky....

Yet, we are going to allow our elected officials to pass a federal health care bill, one by the way, if similar state plans are any indication will not substantially increase the number of those covered. Oh, and the cost will skyrocket, esp after 10 years.

But that's OK. Our gov't talking heads, exec, legis, whatever dept, talk about the 12 trillion dollar national debt. Ha! There are four sets of accounting books. If an accurate picture is taken, I think we should include "unfunded" programs, you know, the ones that go on and aren't paid for, but aren't counted as "debt." If we do, the current amount is about 10 times that, yep, about 118 trillion dollars.

Yeah, let's trust these people. Yeah, let's make things secure and good for us, our children and grandchildren be damned. Those CEOs sure were selfish, weren't they????


OK, when does the free pass end? This isn't about politics or W or any of that. Listen to this...not reported in our "unbiased" media (no, not "unbiased" at all--ha!).

Hundreds of millions of dollars of the so-called "stimulus" package (exactly what it has stimulated other than FOB--"Friends of Barak"--is hardly clear) has gone to states' Congressional districts which don't exist. Well, I suppose that there could be "clerical errors," as suggested by one government spokeman. Then, that just means there is an awful lot of stupidity running the government. Hawaii's 11th District, Arizona's 15th District, Connecticut's 42 District don't exist--none of them; there aren't any such districts. I could imagine, say, an error of CT's 3rd or 4th District, but 42nd!?!? CT has only 2!!!! Would those running our gov't fail a high school government course? It sure seems like it, since HI has only 2 and AZ only 8 districts. Now, would they also fail economics? One district, it is claimed, spend $17 million of stimulus money to create three, that's 3, jobs!

Can you imagine the media outcry if W was the President???? (Remember, I don't think W was a good President; in fact, I think he was a lousy one.) Why wasn't this on the front page of my Det News this AM? And the News is supposed to be a Rep/conservative rag!?!? I heard about all this Tue on some radio shows, but nothing in he paper, nothing on my computer news outlet (I haven't checked Web sites).

This isn't news? This isn't what the press (1st Amendement guarantees) is all about, to inform the citizenry? I guess it's all about being a shill for the President.

And some wonder why the newspapers and major television networks are losing money and going out of business??????

Monday, November 16, 2009

Phys Ed

I read an interesting and exhaustive study from the Tex schools. It finally seems to confirm what I've felt for years and years, that physical education is an important part of "education." The study shows a direct correlation between physical fitness and academic achievement, behavior in schools, etc. The more fit, the higher the learning and the fewer the problems. This was shown for individuals and for entire schools. Higher achieving schools with, say, 50% higher scores in achievement, also had 50% better fitness (based on a series of physical batteries/tests). So what is it that our lame-brained administrators do first in a crunch? Yep, cut phys ed--and music, art, etc. Somewhere, sometime, someone has to tell people these areas are not fringes, not "extras." I know HVS officially calls them "extras" and elementary phys ed is 30 mins, twice a week. That "band" can substitute for phys ed requirments is a travesty. Music and art, for instance, are not for everyone. I wouldn't have wanted to take them, esp not in hs. But phys ed is a bit different, sort of like math and history and medicine. We may not like it, but it's good for us. And the trend in phys ed toward "lifelong" activities? Bah...the kids need exercise and the study shows it.

Quality Standards

I am not at all talking politics here. This isn't about left and right or Dems and Reps (although I don't classify myself in any of those categories). This is about quality.

In the newspaper over the past couple of days I have seen quite a contrast in columns. Walter Williams wrote a thoughtful, insightful, and informative column. One may or may not agree with him, might call him a fear-monger, or whatever. But it was a well written column. Bill Press just wrote a piece of garbage. There was no thought-process that could be discerned in the column. There was no evidence of insight. Again, this isn't about right/left or Dem/Rep. I think Leonard Pitts and Thomas Sowell are two of the very best we have writing. Their views don't mesh at all, but I enjoy reading each. "Thoughtful," "informative," "insightful" are words that always come to mind when I read them. George Will and, locally, Ron Dzwonkowski always produce quality columns. Again, they don't run with the same ideological crowd, I'm sure, but they bear reading.

It makes me wonder if newspaper editors even read the columnists they use.

The Constitution

Last week, I noted a Mich Congressman who had both no respect and no knowledge of the Constitution. He said, loud and clear on the radio, not once, but twice, that it was OK for duly elected members of Congress, with a majority, to pass legislation that violated the Constitution.

Now, here comes Pelosi. The Speaker of the House, in response to a media question about the Constitutional authority to enact such a health care bill (e.g., forcing Americans to purchase health care or face fines and/or prison), dismissed such a thought with, "Oh, you can't be serious." Repeating the question and indicating that he was "serious," she merely turned and asked for the next question. Later, a spokesman from her office said only "serious" questions would be entertained.

I will let go for now the hypocrisy surrounding this lady. And, there is much else I will let go for now. But consider her comments!!!! Isn't that frightening? That Congress can enact legislation for which it has no Constitutional authority isn't "serious?" How about if Congress passes laws not permitting such questions? What or who is to stop it if we don't act now--or elect people committed to undoing the dangers now being done in DC?

A related tangent.... A letter to the editor in today's newspaper from a Bloomfield Hills doctor lauding "the courage" of the House in passing such a health care bill to take care of those unable to afford health coverage. I would love a question-answer period with this lady. My first question would be this: "Why don't you just treat those without health insurance for free?" No doubt she'd start talking Chinese.

Friday, November 13, 2009

U of M Football

I had a discussion with a U of M football fan yesterday. I took this away from it--and left him with this, too.

U of M always prided itself, arrogantly, too arrogantly, on winning while doing things the right way. Now, I'll overlook that a lot of dirty laundry was swept under the rug, laundry that came out in other college towns. But U of M was "holier than thou." "We can win by obeying the rules."

Now, they obviously can't or, at least, aren't. That's fine. Anyway, this U of M fan argued in favor of the current coach and climate in Ann Arbor. I said that's fine, I really don't care one way or another. But the writing is now clearly on the wall. U of M and its fan base are hypocrites--winning is more important that obeying the rules or, perhaps a bit less stringently, doing the right thing.

Oh, I think U of M fans will still be arrogant, but I'll be able to point out a certain little thing or two now....


Mike just told me about some NFL guy who was fined $20000 for an antic last week--or whenever, I don't know (since I don't follow the NFL--and you'll soon see one reason why). Apparently, there was a close call and the officials huddled to confer. Jokingly, in front of thousands, the player pulled out a buck and walked over toward the huddle, seemingly to bribe the officials to make the right ruling. That, is seems to me, is harmless fun. Yet, the NFL fined the guy $20000. I suppose there might be a reason for that; I just can't figure out a legitimate one.

I guess whoever coined this was right--NFL stands for No Fun League. And that's one important reason I don't watch it.

Individual Responsibility

One of the bitter results of the government nanny-state (beginning esp with FDR and his New Deal) is that people now can legitimately duck accountability for their own actions. After all, if government is there to bail everyone out (everyone, that is, except those who have worked to avoid needing to be bailed out), why would anyone have to answer for what he/she did? That isn't to say I'm not compassionate or don't help others (those close to me know what I do and what I give--let's just say it's a lot more that our "caring" President and Vice President give). There are some people who legitimately need help, facing conditions through no fault of their own. I commiserate and, well, see above about charity. But alcoholics and drug addicts? Convicted felons? Those who bought homes they couldn't afford even though conditions allowed them to be able to do so--or the lenders who gave them the money? The auto companies who made stupid decisions--and the auto unions who insisted on incredibly stupid and wasteful contract provisions? No, I don't have any compassion for them--none.

One who has lost his job after working to get it, working hard, but is in the economic whirlwind. Yep, let's help there.

For instance, I regret having spent (dare I say "wasted?") 30+ years of my life in the career had and the place I did. I can't go back and undo that, but I do regret it a great deal. But, I'm not blaming anyone (for the stupidity, cowardice, etc. that others showed, yes, I blame them). It was my own fault. I was stupid myself for not getting out. As little as I thought of many of the people I worked for and with, it wasn't their fault I was still there. That was my fault.

So, now, I read of an Indiana woman who is blaming a casino for her gambling addiction--and the loss of $125K!!!! Now, she knew she was addicted, yet went to the casino anyway??? And, it's the casino's fault? So, it's the brewery's fault that some guy is an alcoholic? And government, our nanny state, in this case is right there. The court, instead of throwing this case in the trash heap, is hearing it. Of course, her addiction isn't her fault--certainly not.

And look how many aren't blaming the nutty Muslim for the shooting at Ft Hood. It wasn't his fault and surely wasn't his Islamic beliefs, although he apparently cited them a number of times. Ultimately, it will come out, it was Bush's fault.

Oh, I'm not sure this came out the way I wanted--I just want to know why nobody is held accountable for his/her actions any longer. It's always somebody or something else's fault.


Sometimes I wonder just how much people will take. Perhaps they just don't care. Maybe they don't see the urgency I do. I don't really know.

In my classes, I tell students the Japanese (and the other fascist/Axis powers) threw test after test at the US (and other democracies) to see how far they could go. Japan in Manchuria, Germany and Hitler in the Rhineland. Austria, Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, Memel, Italy in Ethiopia, Libya, etc. They, the Axis, wanted to see how much the democracis would take. I ask students if Japan had to be wondering just what it would take the Americans to fight back, that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because we had shown that we wouldn't really fight back or, if we did, would do so only reluctantly and half-heartedly. Of course, the Japanese gambled and it was a reasonable gamble, based on what the US had shown over a decade of inaction and empty messages, doctrines, etc. Japan lost the gamble, but....

How much will we take today, not necessarily from outsiders, but from others, esp our government leaders, our so-called opinion makers in the media? Apparently, we haven't learned our lessons, that people will push and push the envelope until they are stopped or think they will be stopped. Two examples, just from yesterday.

I was almost floored to hear on the radio a Congressman, Bart Stupak, say if a majority of the elected representatives in Congress vote to pass something, it's OK if that something violates the Constitution!!!!! Yes, he said that; I hope he didn't mean it. Now, to be fair, he had to be somewhat flustered as the host was ripping him to shreds in the dialog (although I'm pretty sure the Congressman didn't know/realize that). But he was asked to repeat what he said and he did. So, apparently, our elected representatives in Congress are not bound by the Constitution. Am I paranoid or is that really, really disturbing? No doubt, this guy will be re-elected in 2010 by people who aren't paying attention, are too busy with more important things, or whatever. The shame is that this guy gets to vote on matters than affect me! Maybe Hamilton was right.

Then, on another show, I listened to a TV host (recorded) try to rip on that Calif beauty contest winner who either had an affair or posed for a nudie mag or something that seemed to contradict her more conservative morals. Now, that this was done quite a while ago is, apparently, irrelevant. That this scumbag, who has been married, what seven times!, had the nerve, with no shame at all, to be critical of someone else ("Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!") is startling, too. That he has allowed his TV show to be a forum for some of the most decadent political and entertainment figures is also a sign of his hypocrisy. He never grills them on their decadence! Hypocrisy lives! And no one cares....

Oh, I have a headache.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Big Bird

I ran the Big Bird on Sunday. It's a 10K and one of my favorite races. I didn't train specifically for it, but had residual training to carry me. I ran pretty well, faster than the last couple of years. I was pretty pleased with my time and effort. (The day was absolutely glorious!) Hey, I figured, faster than last year, new age-group...likely I'll place in my age-group and get an award. Imagine my chagrin to see the results and discover I was nowhere close to the top, but 7th--yep, 7th! Those old guys are fast! Another runner, Mike Markie, upon my feigned lament, commented, "Maybe you can wait 'em out!" Heh Heh!

Almost lost in the race was the shattering of the couple decades old women's record there, 34:06, which bested the old mark by well over a minute. The runner-up beat the record, too. The first woman was 3rd overall and the first masters was 4th overall. A 67-year old, Doug Goodhue, ran 40:11, which age-grades to 30:48!!!! And, almost 900 runners participated.

Next week the Light Fest (everyone so far!) and De Luca's for post-run pizza and beer!

Fort Hood

There is a lot of disturbing news coming out of the tragedy at Ft Hood last week. First, how was this Muslim doctor, so openly dangerous, not stopped a long time ago? Second, was this really a case of "political correctness?" Were people afraid to "profile," "stereotype," etc. based on this guy's religion? But what about his political beliefs? So, does that mean political correctness is responsible for 13 deaths, along with 28 serious casualties? If so, again, what a farce PC is--and I hope the PC crowd feels the pain. (Although I'm sure it doesn't because they are "the anointed," they know better than we and have a "higher good" in mind that outweighs the deaths of these soldiers.) Of course, PC isn't responsible--the guy is responsible for his own actions. But the PC crowd must be held accountable for creating an atmosphere that allowed this to occur. Third, where is the "moderate" Muslim community? I haven't heard any of them decrying this atrocity, again committed in the name of the Muslims' religion. Does their silence speak volumes, a tacit approval of what went on? Surely they are going to lament, not the deaths, but the possibility of "profiling," "stereotyping," etc. Have the "moderates" not noticed that any demonstrations in the streets have not come from Americans against Islam or Muslims, but from Muslims over cartoons, Tickle Me Muhammad, etc. Even when Muslims lop off heads of Westerners, there are no riots in American streets.

I wonder if any heads will roll. No, I don't wonder at all. Nothing will happen. The media will spin this to placate the situation. There will be no reaction because people will be afraid to be called names, like "bigot," etc. And that's what the PC crowd and media will do. Instead of looking seriously at a serious problem, they will call names. Hey, that's what the schools do when they can't engage in serious dialogue, can't defend their inane actions. What a country!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Just a quickie tonight--lots to do, including finishing the Bob Feller autobiog.

A story in the newspaper yesterday carried a photo. Some bleeding hearts are concerned about prison sentences for minors. One story was of two teens, 16 and 17, who a decade or so ago brutally murdered a couple, for fun. They thought this would make them "big men" with their in crowd. Well, they received life sentences, with no chance of parole until the 2030s or so.

What bothered me, really bothered me, was the photo. One of the punks had tattoos all over his face, like a mask. He got those in prison, at least according to the photo that accompanied this one, where he had no tattoos. Now, what is going on in our prisons where these guys are allowed to get such tattoos???? Who is running our prisons???? Where do these guys get the money for tattoos???? We aren't paying for them, are we???? Is this a country club???? What about the idea of punishment???? Can anyone say culture of violence???? Just asking.....

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Health Care Bill

So, Pelosi and the Dems are rushing a vote today/tonight on the House Health Care Bill. Note, I didn't say "reform." Why the rush? The bill is almost 2000 pages!!!! 1990, I heard from a Congresswoman the other day. What's the rush? Much won't go into effect for four or more years, oh, except for the tax increases to pay for it!!!! And does anyone think the tax revenues raised now will still be there to pay for the health care bill in four or more years????? I mean, anyone but the most naive persons?

Anyone who votes, next election, for any of these bums who vote in favor of this bill is an idiot! Yep, there, I've said it. One can be in favor of the bill, of another health care bill, or no bill at all. But to vote for someone trying to give us the bum's rush is stupid.

Hmmmm.... I wonder if the handful of elections last week have anything to do with this???? After all, in the two elections BO made his presence felt and felt mightily (one caller from NJ thought the President was in NJ so often he might have to change his Zip Code!), the Dem candidate was humbled, not just defeated, but humbled. In the one he made zero appearance, the Dem one, but only after the RINO Rep candidate withdrew and threw her support behind the Dem!!!! That is, the Dem barely defeated a minor party (Conservative) candidate with the support of the mainstream Reps. The two major parties eked out a victory over a third party!

Will all of this hold until 2010? I hope so, but doubt it. There's far too much in between--NFL games and the bowl season, NCAA basketball, Dancing with the Stars and American Idol, far too much. And even if we throw out these scoundrels (and I doubt we will) who deserve to be bounced, will the new scoundrels (no, I'm not giving them the benefit of the doubt) have the guts to pass legislation to undo all of the mistakes???? Of course they won't. We still have the New Deal remnants, affirmative action, etc.

How is it, again, to spell D-O-O-M?

The Apocalypse... nearing.

Did I just hear correctly? There is a "hit" television show based on an older woman who had a fling with a much young man, a kid almost, and is expecting a baby from that tryst??? And, it's a comedy????????? Yet, we wonder about the number of babies born out of wedlock, the number on state aid, etc. Fools all, we are.

I still can't get over that show that apparenlty is very popular about some young kid, not a teenager?, who lives with his old man and philandering uncle. I've heard some of the come-ons in advertising and they are over the top. And again, we wonder about why our younger folks are the ways they are. Fools all, we are.

I love how easy it is sometimes. The National Org of Women is calling for the dismissal of some NFL coach (I have no idea who it is or what team; I don't follow the NFL at all) for his abusive treatment of women. Yet this same NOW sat on its collective thumb and spun during the Presidency of Bill Clinton. And where are the boycotts of the movies, records, and television shows of certain other "abusers?" The hypocrisy and double standards are laughable. Who can take NOW seriously, other than fools? Oops...see above.

While I'm at it, why does BO get such a free pass on everything? He has done and said things just as bad as "that stupid Bush." But who calls him on it? Again, the hypocrisy and double standards....

I'm awaiting a reply I sent to a newspaper columnist a week ago. She wrote about the budget crunch at taking money/funds from the schools. After all, "it's for the kids." I pointed out the fallacy of such an argument, that it's becoming trite and shopworn. I used concrete examples. Yet, people/taxpayers still fall for it. All they have to do is look around. I don't make up these things. Yet, they choose not to do so. For instance, I am not surprised the bond/funding issues passed in our local district. But I am surprised at the margin of victory. Just like incumbents, the school district is able to fight an unfair fight. It is able to hold "information" meetings, complete with free day care, pizza and other treats (hey, who pays for those? the superintendent?), etc. "Information" was given, I'm certain, but not all the "information," just some. No doubt the district employees, like the phone call I received, cited that "your taxes won't go up" if the issues passed. No, they wouldn't. But if they didn't pass, people were likely to see a savings of $150-200 a year, if not more. Hmmm...isn't that a tax cut? Sort of the like the Dems proposing an outlandish 20% increase in a program while the Reps propose only a 15% increase--then the Dems can claim the Reps want to cut funding!!!! Liars!!!! Oh, I'm sorry--that's impolite, rude, not civil. Of course, it is honest. They are liars! Yeah, who did pay for the treats at those "informational" meetings?

Sunday, November 1, 2009


The kids got gobs of "treats" last night. But I was somewhat disappointed that we didn't have many of our own neighborhood goblins, etc. show. The turnout was pretty low. I enjoy seeing the costumes, esp on the littlest of kids.

Fortunately, the rain (that the weathermen said wasn't coming!) cleared out by 4 PM or so and the winds died down to bearable. It was cold, though, lower 40s and upper 30s. Ash didn't stay out too long and the Bopps dressed real warmly with his gloves.

I may be just a bit biased, but Ashley was the cutest witch I have ever seen. Bopper was so very anxious to get out there, even doing a good portion of Lake Sherwood! The Codester had a penguin costume on for a short while and was great. Toss in the good time the kids had at Mott on Fri and I'd say they really enjoyed Halloween 2009!

BTW, the Codester is recovering from his delayed circumcision. Yesterday, he was fine, as active as always!, until time to change his wrap/ointment. Ooohh! He wasn't at all happy about that, poor little guy. He cried and fussed (and I mean fussed!) for almost half an hour before settling down. I hope it's more discomfort than actual pain. Once, I got him calmed, he was back to himself, just a great deal of fun.

Today is dry, mostly sunny, with most of the wind gone. Lots of leaves, colorful they were, have disappeared with two days of rain and wind. Too bad. Although there weren't many fiery reds, the deep golds and browns and yellows were really beautiful. Now, we await the pretty snowfalls.