Thursday, November 19, 2009


OK, when does the free pass end? This isn't about politics or W or any of that. Listen to this...not reported in our "unbiased" media (no, not "unbiased" at all--ha!).

Hundreds of millions of dollars of the so-called "stimulus" package (exactly what it has stimulated other than FOB--"Friends of Barak"--is hardly clear) has gone to states' Congressional districts which don't exist. Well, I suppose that there could be "clerical errors," as suggested by one government spokeman. Then, that just means there is an awful lot of stupidity running the government. Hawaii's 11th District, Arizona's 15th District, Connecticut's 42 District don't exist--none of them; there aren't any such districts. I could imagine, say, an error of CT's 3rd or 4th District, but 42nd!?!? CT has only 2!!!! Would those running our gov't fail a high school government course? It sure seems like it, since HI has only 2 and AZ only 8 districts. Now, would they also fail economics? One district, it is claimed, spend $17 million of stimulus money to create three, that's 3, jobs!

Can you imagine the media outcry if W was the President???? (Remember, I don't think W was a good President; in fact, I think he was a lousy one.) Why wasn't this on the front page of my Det News this AM? And the News is supposed to be a Rep/conservative rag!?!? I heard about all this Tue on some radio shows, but nothing in he paper, nothing on my computer news outlet (I haven't checked Web sites).

This isn't news? This isn't what the press (1st Amendement guarantees) is all about, to inform the citizenry? I guess it's all about being a shill for the President.

And some wonder why the newspapers and major television networks are losing money and going out of business??????

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