Monday, November 23, 2009

US Senators

I wrote to the two US Senators from Michigan, Levin and Stabenow, last week. I voiced my extreme opposition to the Senate health care bill, urging their no votes. I indicated that I was exasperated with the current Congress and Administration and their frenzied pace of deleterious legislation. I noted I would vote against them and urge others to do so if they voted aye. Let this be step one on my promise to actively oppose their re-election.

To the two or three of you who might actually read this, I urge you to strong oppose the re-election of the two US Senators from Michigan, Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow, in their bids for re-election (although they are several years up the road). I won't forget their inane actions and blind support for the craziness coming out of Washington and I hope you don't either. Let's take back "government of the people, by the people, and for the people" by voting them out of office, replacing them with those who will respect the Constitution and the principle of limited government.

1 comment:

Robb Taylor said...

I sent my “representatives” a note last week, asking them the same. I may be young and dumb….ok not so young anymore, but I still believe that contacting your elected representatives, is not a wasted effort. Not sure why I believe that…..might be the dumb part of the previous sentence.