Monday, November 16, 2009

Quality Standards

I am not at all talking politics here. This isn't about left and right or Dems and Reps (although I don't classify myself in any of those categories). This is about quality.

In the newspaper over the past couple of days I have seen quite a contrast in columns. Walter Williams wrote a thoughtful, insightful, and informative column. One may or may not agree with him, might call him a fear-monger, or whatever. But it was a well written column. Bill Press just wrote a piece of garbage. There was no thought-process that could be discerned in the column. There was no evidence of insight. Again, this isn't about right/left or Dem/Rep. I think Leonard Pitts and Thomas Sowell are two of the very best we have writing. Their views don't mesh at all, but I enjoy reading each. "Thoughtful," "informative," "insightful" are words that always come to mind when I read them. George Will and, locally, Ron Dzwonkowski always produce quality columns. Again, they don't run with the same ideological crowd, I'm sure, but they bear reading.

It makes me wonder if newspaper editors even read the columnists they use.

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