Friday, November 13, 2009

Individual Responsibility

One of the bitter results of the government nanny-state (beginning esp with FDR and his New Deal) is that people now can legitimately duck accountability for their own actions. After all, if government is there to bail everyone out (everyone, that is, except those who have worked to avoid needing to be bailed out), why would anyone have to answer for what he/she did? That isn't to say I'm not compassionate or don't help others (those close to me know what I do and what I give--let's just say it's a lot more that our "caring" President and Vice President give). There are some people who legitimately need help, facing conditions through no fault of their own. I commiserate and, well, see above about charity. But alcoholics and drug addicts? Convicted felons? Those who bought homes they couldn't afford even though conditions allowed them to be able to do so--or the lenders who gave them the money? The auto companies who made stupid decisions--and the auto unions who insisted on incredibly stupid and wasteful contract provisions? No, I don't have any compassion for them--none.

One who has lost his job after working to get it, working hard, but is in the economic whirlwind. Yep, let's help there.

For instance, I regret having spent (dare I say "wasted?") 30+ years of my life in the career had and the place I did. I can't go back and undo that, but I do regret it a great deal. But, I'm not blaming anyone (for the stupidity, cowardice, etc. that others showed, yes, I blame them). It was my own fault. I was stupid myself for not getting out. As little as I thought of many of the people I worked for and with, it wasn't their fault I was still there. That was my fault.

So, now, I read of an Indiana woman who is blaming a casino for her gambling addiction--and the loss of $125K!!!! Now, she knew she was addicted, yet went to the casino anyway??? And, it's the casino's fault? So, it's the brewery's fault that some guy is an alcoholic? And government, our nanny state, in this case is right there. The court, instead of throwing this case in the trash heap, is hearing it. Of course, her addiction isn't her fault--certainly not.

And look how many aren't blaming the nutty Muslim for the shooting at Ft Hood. It wasn't his fault and surely wasn't his Islamic beliefs, although he apparently cited them a number of times. Ultimately, it will come out, it was Bush's fault.

Oh, I'm not sure this came out the way I wanted--I just want to know why nobody is held accountable for his/her actions any longer. It's always somebody or something else's fault.

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