Monday, November 16, 2009

The Constitution

Last week, I noted a Mich Congressman who had both no respect and no knowledge of the Constitution. He said, loud and clear on the radio, not once, but twice, that it was OK for duly elected members of Congress, with a majority, to pass legislation that violated the Constitution.

Now, here comes Pelosi. The Speaker of the House, in response to a media question about the Constitutional authority to enact such a health care bill (e.g., forcing Americans to purchase health care or face fines and/or prison), dismissed such a thought with, "Oh, you can't be serious." Repeating the question and indicating that he was "serious," she merely turned and asked for the next question. Later, a spokesman from her office said only "serious" questions would be entertained.

I will let go for now the hypocrisy surrounding this lady. And, there is much else I will let go for now. But consider her comments!!!! Isn't that frightening? That Congress can enact legislation for which it has no Constitutional authority isn't "serious?" How about if Congress passes laws not permitting such questions? What or who is to stop it if we don't act now--or elect people committed to undoing the dangers now being done in DC?

A related tangent.... A letter to the editor in today's newspaper from a Bloomfield Hills doctor lauding "the courage" of the House in passing such a health care bill to take care of those unable to afford health coverage. I would love a question-answer period with this lady. My first question would be this: "Why don't you just treat those without health insurance for free?" No doubt she'd start talking Chinese.

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